wfwo@ur-tut.UUCP (Fai Wong) (04/09/86)
*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** I am currently the IBM PC Network administrator for a PC Network consisting of 20 IBM PC's on the network served by a network server. We have been trying to boot up the Network PC's off the network server(IBM PC AT). The IBM PC Network Technical Reference has some sample programs that demostrates Remote Program Load. We managed to get a couple of PC's working but the sample programs are for demonstration purposes only and hence has limited functionality. Once a PC on the network is booted up off the network server, the PC could not use its local disk drives, both A and B. Somewhere on page 2-82 of the PC Network Tech. Ref. manual, the UNLINK command is mentioned that will allow the a program to use other forms of a drive redirection to the network. Just exactly where I can find the UNLINK command. I have checked everywhere. Could somebody help me in pointing me to the right source of reference? I would really appreciate if somebody could give me some advice on Remote Program Load on the PC Network. Thanks in advance. Wing Fai Wong wfwo@ur-tut GSM Computing Center University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 (716)275-5867