[net.micro.pc] Need Info On SCHEME Language

haddock@ti-csl (04/19/86)

	/* ---------- "Need Info On SCHEME Language" ---------- */
	>I need to find a description of the SCHEME Language and possibly a
	>unix or dos version of the language? Any info will be welcome.

Small note:  TI's "PC Scheme" has been available since the time
mentioned in Don Oxley's message.  Yes, we got it out ON TIME!

*hardcopy*		*electr{onic, ic}*
Rusty Haddock		ARPA:  Haddock%TI-CSL@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
POB 226015 M/S 238	CSNET: Haddock@TI-CSL
Texas Instruments Inc.	USENET: {ut-sally,convex!smu,texsun}!ti-csl!haddock
Dallas, Texas 75266	VOICE: (214) 995-0330

This file contains information on all known Scheme implementations.
This was compiled by Jonathan Rees on 15 November 1985.  For the most
part it consists of electronic mail messages directly from the people
responsible.  Entries are in reverse order of receipt.

Send inquiries about the SCHEME@MIT-MC mailing list to

MIT AI memo 848, the "Revised Revised Report on Scheme," Will Clinger,
editor, can be ordered from:

  Elizabeth Heepe
  Publications, Room NE43-818
  MIT Artifical Intelligence Laboratory
  545 Technology Square
  Cambridge MA 02139

Enclose a check for $6.00 per copy (U.S. funds) payable to the MIT
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Immediately following is the message which solicited the messages which
follow it in this file.

		- Jonathan Rees


Date: Mon, 21 Oct 85 16:08:06 EDT
From: Jonathan A Rees <JAR@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject:  scheme implementations
Message-ID: <[MIT-MC.ARPA].687283.851021.JAR>

To make sure that everyone out there has current information, I want to
ask people who have or are actively working on Scheme implementations to
send out a SHORT message, giving the following information:

- Name of implementation
- Implemented by whom
- Supported by whom, and to what extent
- Hardware and operating system(s)
- Availability: when, approximate pr copyright status
- iption of dialecare with RRRSS [*] and with the
  dialect used in S&ICP)
- Intended use: education, number crunching, systems programming, etc.
- Implementation style (S-code, native-code-compiler-based, or whatever)
- Remarks, interesting features, misfeatures, and applications, etc.
- Whom to contact for more information

[* Sorry, I use the following abbreviations:
     S&ICP = the book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
	     by Abelson & Sussman
     RRRSS = the Scheme dialect described in the Revised Revised Report
     ERRRSS = the "essential" subset of RRRSS]
Date: Wednesday, 20 Nov 85 15:31:49 PST
From: Will Clinger <willc%tekchips%tektronix.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>

Implementation:		MacScheme
Implemented by:		Will Clinger, Liz Heller, and John Ulrich
Supported by:		Semantic Microsystems
Hardware:		Apple Macintosh or Lisa (Mac XL).
			Requires 512K RAM, can use up to 16M.
Operating Systems:	Finder (Macintosh); MacWorks (Lisa).
Price/Availability:	$125.  Available since August 1985.
Implementation:		Compiles to interpreted byte code.
Intended Use:		Education, personal computing, AI applications
Contact:		Semantic Microsystems
			4470 S.W. Hall St., Suite 340
			Beaverton, OR  97005
			(503) 643-4539

MacScheme supports all essential and many optional features of the Revised
Revised Report on Scheme.  It includes a compatibility package for use
with the Abelson and Sussman text, but environments are not supported.

The compiler and byte code architecture were described in Clinger's paper
at the 1984 Lisp conference.  Numbers are implemented as a union of 30-bit
fixnums, bignums, and 32-bit flonums; bignum arithmetic is slow.  The
system includes facilities for breaking, tracing, and debugging; most
run-time errors can be repaired in the debugger.  There is a pretty printer.
An escape to machine code is documented for direct access to the Macintosh

The system includes a simple editor that understands Scheme syntax and
makes good use of multiple windows and the mouse.  This editor runs as a
foreground process while Scheme runs in the background.

MacScheme's speed is comparable to that of similar interpreters (MIT Scheme
on the HP 9836, TI Scheme) when hardware is taken into account.  Non-tail-
recursive procedure calls are relatively slow in MacScheme but tight tail-
recursive loops are relatively fast.  Interpreted MacScheme seems to run
about half as fast as compiled ExperLisp on the Macintosh.
Date: 12 Nov 1985 1035-CST
From: Don Oxley <OXLEY%CSL60%ti-csl.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: PC Scheme Implementation Information
To: Scheme@mit-mc.arpa

The following description of TI's PC Scheme product is a (belated)
response to Jonathan's request for implementation information:

Implementation:     PC Scheme
Developed by:       Texas Instruments Computer Science Lab
Supported by:       Texas Instruments Digital Systems Group
Hardware:           TI Professional and TI Business-Pro Computers,
                    IBM PC, PC/XT, PC/AT and IBM compatibles
Operating Systems:  MS(tm)-DOS 2.1 (PC-DOS) or better (at least 320K, dual
Price/Availability: List price - $95, available in December 1985
Implementation:     Incrementally compiled to byte-codes
Intended Use:       Education, research, and support of AI software on PCs

PC Scheme is an implementation of Scheme for the TI Professional
Computer and IBM(r) Personal Computer families.  The product
consists of an optimizing compiler, a byte-code interpreter, extensive
run time support, an interactive, display-oriented editor, a language
reference manual, and a user's guide.  The system was developed on the
TI Professional Computer in Scheme itself, with critical run time
routines coded in C and assembly language for increased performance.

PC Scheme provides all the essential and most of the optional features
of the Revised Revised Report on Scheme.  It fully supports the
dialect used in the book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs" by Abelson and Sussman as well as many extensions developed
at Indiana University, MIT, and TI.  These include first-class engines
and environments and an experimental, object-oriented programming
system with dynamic multiple inheritance called SCOOPS.  Data type
support includes symbols, lists, vectors, strings, fixnums, bignums,
flonums (64 bit IEEE floating point), characters, closures,
continuations, environments, and I/O ports.

Evaluation is based on incremental compilation to byte-coded "virtual
machine" code which is emulated using threaded code techniques.
Informal benchmarks, including some of the Gabriel set, show PC Scheme
programs to be about 3-10 times faster than interpreted IQLISP(tm) and
2-4 times faster than interpreted Golden Common LISP(tm).

PC Scheme is oriented primarily towards compilation and fast execution
rather than extensive source-level debugging.  However, it does
provide trace and breakpoint facilities and an interactive Inspector
with commands to display and manipulate call stack frames and lexical
environments, edit variable bindings, trace back through a chain of
procedure calls, and evaluate expressions in the environment of a
breakpoint.  All user-correctable errors trap to the Inspector.

The display-oriented editor supplied with PC Scheme is a subset of
EDWIN, a version of EMACS written by the Scheme project at MIT and
adapted to PC Scheme by TI.  512K bytes of RAM are required to use

Other PC Scheme run time support includes windowed screen input/output,
graphics, a pretty-printer, and an editor of in-memory list structures.
Compiled files can be converted to a "fast-load" format to speed up load
times.  Files containing variable definitions can be "autoloaded" on
demand.  A Winchester disk minimizes the inconvenience of autoloading,
but is not required.

Documentation includes a 286-page language reference manual and a
93-page user's guide.  Neither manual attempts to be a tutorial manual
for Scheme itself.

PC Scheme is being used extensively within Texas Instruments and is
the basis for future releases of TI's PC-based AI products, including
Arborist (tm) and the Personal Consultant Plus (tm).  It is currently
in use at approximately 25 universities in various settings (classes,
experimentation, evaluation).

PC Scheme may be ordered beginning November 15 for shipment in
December.  To order, write to Texas Instruments, 12501 Research Blvd.,
MS 2151, Austin, TX 78759 and ask for TI Part number #2537900-0001.
You may also order by telephone using MasterCard or VISA by calling

Questions or comments on the product may be directed to the address
given above.  We also welcome less formal technical questions and
comments, which may be directed via CSNET to Oxley@TI-CSL.

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 85 11:27:02 est
From: Kent Dybvig <dyb%indiana.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
To: SCHEME@mit-mc.ARPA
Subject: Scheme Implementation Blurb:  Chez Scheme

Implementation:     Chez Scheme
Authored by:        Kent Dybvig
Supported by:       limited support by the author
Hardware:           VAX
Operating Systems:  4.2 BSD UNIX (or ULTRIX)
Implementation:     incrementally compiled to native code
Intended Use:       education and research

Chez Scheme was first released earlier this year and is now
being used at about 10 universities for classes and research.
Chez Scheme supports almost all of the required and optional
features of the RRRS.  The next major release (in spring or
summer 1986) will support 100% of the required features of the

In addition to the features of the RRRS, Chez Scheme provides
error and exception handling, engines, programmable cafes and
waiters (fancy read-eval-print loops), tracing and statistics-
gathering facilities, and fast-loading compiled files.  Chez
Scheme provides floating point numbers, arbitrary-precision
ratios, and arbitrary-precision integers, but no imaginary
numbers at this time.

Bruce Smith of UNC and myself have written a book on Scheme
that is scheduled to be published in the spring.  This book
serves as the reference manual for Chez Scheme and is sent
in draft form with Chez Scheme distributions.

Chez Scheme's biggest claim to fame is the speed and size of
its implementation.  It outperforms Franz Lisp and DEC Common
Lisp on most programs, but the initial core image is less than
500K bytes, about half of which is read-only and sharable.

Sue Dybvig and myself have started a small consulting business,
named Cadence Research Systems, primarily for the purpose of
distributing and supporting Chez Scheme.  We charge a license
fee to cover costs of distribution.  The license fee per site
is $400 for US colleges and universities and $1000 for companies
who will use the system for research and education only.  

For the license forms and ordering information, contact:

   Kent Dybvig
   Cadence Research Systems
   620 Park Ridge Road
   Bloomington, IN  47401

You can also reach me during the day at 812/335-8653.

Kent Dybvig
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 85 17:41:39 EST
From: "George J. Carrette" <GJC@MIT-MC.ARPA>
In-reply-to: Msg of Mon 28 Oct 85 15:27:44 EST from Jonathan A Rees <JAR at MIT-MC.ARPA>
Message-ID: <[MIT-MC.ARPA].695676.851028.GJC>

- Name of implementation: SIOD (Scheme In One Defun)
- Implemented by whom: GJC (George Carrette)
- Supported by whom, and to what extent: GJC, for use in LMI lisp classes.
- Hardware and operating system(s): LMI-LAMBDA, ZETA(FOO?)LISP.
- Availability: Given out at my "guest lectures" to LMI lisp classes.
- Description of dialect: Sufficient to run S&ICP problems I find
  most interesting. Especially streams, the meta-linguistic abtraction section,
  and the interpreter/hardware sections.
- Intended use: education. Both to introduce S&ICP and to show interpreter
  implementation, also "WHY MACROS OR BAD, or WHY CANT YOU READ MY CODE?"
- Implementation style: The function SEVAL (scheme EVAL) is one DEFUN.
  The "text" being interpreted is syntax-checked first, but is otherwise
  just the obvious s-expression. The environment representation is an ALIST.
  Because of the underlying simplicity it was possible to code
  special cases such as look-ahead for simple variable lookup,
  and primitives such as +,/,CAR,CDR, applied to simple variable lookups
  without fear. There is very little overhead in the interpreter besides
  variable lookup (a single instruction, %ASSQ) and environment consing,
  (cheaper by the dozen and with the volatility based GC). The resulting
  interpreter is somewhat gross because of its use of specialized
  macrology, but is extremely fast, especially when compiled into
  MICROCODE by the Microcompiler.
- Remarks: One reason for this was to see just how far a few hours work
on a simple idea implemented somewhat grossly could go. Whenever I was
too burned out to do design-level work or debugging work (presumably on
jobs that I was paid to do) I might feel like trying to code
another SIOD special case. It is also a study for "how much effort should
go into avoiding CONS, vs other things?" It could be interesting to
compare its efficiency with JAR's compiler-style CLSCH.

- Whom to contact for more information: GJC@MC.
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 85 13:25:34 EST
From: Jonathan A Rees <JAR@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject:  implementations
Message-ID: <[MIT-MC.ARPA].695199.851028.JAR>

[The following information may be out of date.]

@b[Scheme84] is a version of Scheme that has been under development at
Indiana University for the past few years, and is used there to
support half a dozen different computer science courses.  The system
runs on the Vax under either VMS or Berkeley Unix.chem4 software
is in the public domain, and can be obtained by writing to@foot{The
current distribution policy for Scheme84 is that Indiana University
will supply it for free, if you send them a tape and return postage.
(Please specify whether the system is to be for VMS or for Unix.)  On
the other hand, the University reserves the right to begin charging a
fee to recover the cost of distribution, should this become
Scheme84 Distribution
Nancy Garrett
c/o Dan Friedman
Department of Computer Science
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
E-mail address nlg@@indiana

@b[T] is a version of Scheme that was developed at Yale University, and is
available for distribution.  The system runs on Vaxes under VMS or
Unix (Berkeley 4.1 or 4.2) and on the Apollo Domain.  For more
information, contact Jim Philbin at Yale (203-436-0802) or write to
Yale University Dept. of Computer Science
PO Box 2158
Yale Station 
New Haven, CT 06520

Vincennes Scheme is a version of Scheme written entirely in portable
C, for Unix V7 and Berkeley 4.1 and 4.2.  It runs on 32-bit machines
(e.g. 68K or Vax) as well as on 16-bit machines (e.g. Z8000 in which
it can fit in 128K).  This Scheme is compatible with the MIT version,
and includes an interpreter with the basic environment: debugger,
history, break, stepper, where. A compiler that generates C code is
available.  For more information, contact

Patrick Greussay
Universite Paris-8-Vincennes
2 rue de la Liberte
Saint-Denis CEDEX 02 93526
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 85 20:27:49 EDT
From: Jonathan A Rees <JAR@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject:  Implementation blurb: Scheme in Common Lisp
Message-ID: <[MIT-MC.ARPA].687556.851021.JAR>

    - Name of implementation:
CLSCH (Scheme embedded in Common Lisp)
    - Implemented by whom:
Jonathan Rees
    - Supported by whom, and to what extent:
Unsupported, although I'll probably continue to improve it.  No promises.
    - Hardware and operating system(s):
Will run in any implementation of Common Lisp.
    - Availability:
In alpha-test now (looking for guinea pigs).  Free.  Distributed as
source via electronic mail or FTP.  (I won't make tapes.)  May
eventually become part of Common Lisp "Yellow Pages."
    - Description of dialect:
Subset.  All of the essential features of RRRSS exist, except for a
correct CALL-WITH-CURRENT-CONTINUATION (some of you will say that it's
not Scheme at all, and I don't disagree); also some of the rest of
RRRSS, and most of the S&ICP dialect.
    - Intended use:
Running existing ERRRSS programs in any Common Lisp.  Not an ideal
development system, since debugging tools are weak.
    - Implementation style:
Low-tech.  A simple compiler translates Scheme into Common Lisp, making
sure that variable binding and tail recursion are done right.  The
output of the compiler can be interpreted by a CL interpreter or
compiled by a CL compiler.
    - Remarks:
I did this mostly for my own personal use.  Maybe other people will find
it useful too.
    - Contact:
Jonathan Rees (JAR@MIT-MC), MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, (617) 253-8581.