[net.micro.pc] NO.ASM & NO.COM

nacer@orstcs.UUCP (nacer) (04/20/86)

If someone has downloaded NO.COM from the PC magazine Interactive Reader Service
at (212)696-0360 please post it here !

If possible post NO.ASM as well

Thank you!


mbailey@ncrcae.UUCP (Merle Bailey) (04/24/86)

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# The uencoded no.com --> no.com.u no.asm

echo x - no.com.u
sed 's/^X//' > "no.com.u" << '//E*O*F no.com.u//'
Xbegin 644 no.com
XM97-P96,@8V]M;6%N9"!;<&%R86UE=&5R<UTD3D\Z($YE961S($1/4R R+C @
XM;V)L96TD"2 L.ST         0T]-4U!%0ST       !<    ;       M##-
XM(3P"<Q>Z=0&T"<TAS2"L/ UT];_G ;D% /*NP[I, ;Z! /SHZ/]T^XO>2^C@
XMM$?-(;J) 7*E*L X!'0)N4  \JY/L%RJ7HO+*\[SI"K JHD^[ &#ZP2@@  $
XM@"K#M"")!\=' B]#H2P H_L!B1[] 8P._P&,#@,"C X% KK@ [0:S2&+/NP!
XMN@L$*\FT3LTA<PL]$@!T);J) >D^_XO'!0 "<@0[Q'(&NJ$!Z2W_OOX#Z.D 
XM_P;N ;1/Z]*)/O !BS[L ;E  +!<_?*NQD4" /RX #/-(8@6\@$JTK@!,\TA
XML_^W NB& (L>\ &!PP "B^.#PP^Q!-/KM$K-(;J\ 7)6!HX&+  K_[[S ;K3
XM 2: /0!T0U97N0@ \Z9?7G0)*L"Y___RKNOF@\<('@8?!XDF"0*+U[O[ ;@ 
XM2\TAC,B.V([ CM"+)@D"G"K2N $SS2&=NM,!<P2T"<TAL_VW .@+ (H6\@&X
XM 3/-(<T@BP[N >,HBS;L 8L6\ %6O@L$B_KH& !/7N@3 %&X $/-(2++"L^X
XM 4/-(5GBX,.D@'W_ '7YPP                                      
//E*O*F no.com.u//

echo x - no.asm
sed 's/^X//' > "no.asm" << '//E*O*F no.asm//'
X;       NO.ASM -- Hides specified files from command that follows
X;       ======
XCSEG            Segment
X                Assume  CS:CSEG, DS:CSEG, ES:CSEG, SS:CSEG
X                Org     002Ch
XEnvironment     Label   Word            ; Segment of Environment is here
X                Org     0080h
XParameter       Label   Byte            ; Parameter is here
X                Org     0100h
XEntry:          Jmp     Begin           ; Entry Point
X;       Most Data (some more at end of program)
X;       ---------------------------------------
X                db      "Copyright 1986 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co.",1Ah
X                db      " Programmed by Charles Petzold ",1Ah
XSyntaxMsg       db      "Syntax: NO filespec command [parameters]$"
XDosVersMsg      db      "NO: Needs DOS 2.0 +$"
XFileSpecMsg     db      "NO: Incorrect File Spec$"
XTooManyMsg      db      "NO: Too many files to hide$"
XMemAllocMsg     db      "NO: Allocation Problem$"
XCommandMsg      db      "NO: COMMAND Problem$"
XDelimiters      db      9,' ,;='
XFileList        dw      ?               ; Storage of found files
XFileCount       dw      0               ; Count of found files
XFileListEnd     dw      ?               ; End of storage of found files
XBreakState      db      ?               ; Store original break state here
XComspec         db      'COMSPEC='      ; String for Environment search
XParamBlock      dw      ?               ; Parameter block for EXEC call
X                dw      ?, ?
X                dw      5Ch, ?
X                dw      6Ch, ?
XStackPointer    dw      ?               ; Save SP during EXEC call
X;       Check DOS Version
X;       -----------------
XBegin:          Mov     AH, 30h                 ; Check for DOS Version
X                Int     21h                     ;   through DOS call
X                Cmp     AL, 2                   ; See if it's 2.0 or above
X                Jae     DosVersOK               ; If so, continue
X                Mov     DX, Offset DosVersMsg   ; Error message
XErrorExit:      Mov     AH, 9                   ; Print String function call
X                Int     21h                     ; Do it
X                Int     20h                     ; And exit prematurely
X;       Parse Command Line to get NO File specification
X;       -----------------------------------------------
XScanParam:      Lodsb                           ; SUBROUTINE: Get byte
X                Cmp     AL, 13                  ; See if end of parameter
X                Je      ErrorExit               ; If so, exit
X                Mov     DI, Offset Delimiters   ; Check if delimiter
X                Mov     CX, 5                   ; There are 5 of them
X                Repne   Scasb                   ; Scan the string
X                Ret                             ; And return
XDosVersOK:      Mov     DX, Offset SyntaxMsg    ; Possible error msg 
X                Mov     SI, 1+Offset Parameter  ; NO Parameter string
X                Cld                             ; Directions forward
XBegSearch:      Call    ScanParam               ; Check byte in subroutine
X                Je      BegSearch               ; If delimiter, keep searching
X                Mov     BX, SI                  ; Save pointer in BX
X                Dec     BX                      ; BX points to NO file spec
XEndSearch:      Call    ScanParam               ; Check byte in subroutine
X                Jne     EndSearch               ; If not delimiter, keep going
X;       Construct full FilePath and save down at end of program
X;       -------------------------------------------------------
X                Dec     SI                      ; Points after NO file spec
X                Xchg    SI, BX                  ; SI points to beg, BX to end
X                Mov     DI, Offset FullPath     ; Points to destination
X                Cmp     Byte Ptr [SI + 1], ':'  ; See if drive spec included
X                Jnz     GetDrive                ; If not, must get the drive
X                Lodsw                           ; Otherwise, grab drive spec
X                And     AL, 0DFh                ; Capitalize drive letter
X                Jmp     Short SaveDrive         ; And skip next section
XGetDrive:       Mov     AH, 19h                 ; Get current drive
X                Int     21h                     ;   through DOS
X                Add     AL, 'A'                 ; Convert to letter
X                Mov     AH, ':'                 ; Colon after drive letter
XSaveDrive:      Stosw                           ; Save drive spec and colon
X                Mov     AL, '\'                 ; Directory divider byte
X                Cmp     [SI], AL                ; See if spec starts at root
X                Jz      HaveFullPath            ; If so, no need to get path
X                Stosb                           ; Store that character
X                Push    SI                      ; Save pointer to parameter
X                Mov     SI, DI                  ; Destination of current path
X                Mov     DL, [SI - 3]            ; Drive letter specification
X                Sub     DL, '@'                 ; Convert to number
X                Mov     AH, 47h                 ; Get current directory
X                Int     21h                     ;   through DOS
X                Mov     DX, Offset FileSpecMsg  ; Possible error message
X                Jc      ErrorExit               ; Exit if error
X                Sub     AL, AL                  ; Search for terminating zero
X                Cmp     [SI], AL                ; Check if Root Directory
X                Jz      RootDir                 ; If so, don't use it
X                Mov     CX, 64                  ; Number of bytes to search
X                Repnz   Scasb                   ; Do the search
X                Dec     DI                      ; DI points to last zero
X                Mov     AL, '\'                 ; Put a backslash in there
X                Stosb                           ; So filespec can follow
XRootDir:        Pop     SI                      ; Get back SI
XHaveFullPath:   Mov     CX, BX                  ; End of NO file spec
X                Sub     CX, SI                  ; Number of bytes to transfer
X                Rep     Movsb                   ; Transfer them
X                Sub     AL, AL                  ; Terminating zero
X                Stosb                           ; Save it
X                Mov     [FileList], DI          ; Repository for found files
X;       Fix up parameter and ParamBlock for eventual COMMAND load
X;       ---------------------------------------------------------
X                Sub     BX, 4                   ; Points to new param begin
X                Mov     AL, [Parameter]         ; Old byte count of parameter
X                Add     AL, 80h                 ; Add beginning of old param
X                Sub     AL, BL                  ; Subtract beginning of new
X                Mov     AH, ' '                 ; Space separator
X                Mov     Word Ptr [BX], AX       ; Store it
X                Mov     Word Ptr [BX + 2], 'C/' ; Add /C to beginning of rest
X                Mov     AX, [Environment]       ; Get environment segment
X                Mov     [ParamBlock], AX        ; Save it       
X                Mov     [ParamBlock + 2], BX    ; Save parameter pointer
X                Mov     [ParamBlock + 4], CS    ; Save segment of ParamBlock
X                Mov     [ParamBlock + 8], CS
X                Mov     [ParamBlock + 10], CS
X;       Find Files from NO File Specification
X;       -------------------------------------
X                Mov     DX, Offset DTABuffer    ; Set File Find buffer
X                Mov     AH, 1Ah                 ;   by calling DOS
X                Int     21h
X                Mov     DI, [FileList]          ; Address of destination
X                Mov     DX, Offset FullPath     ; Search string
X                Sub     CX, CX                  ; Search Normal files only
X                Mov     AH, 4Eh                 ; Find first file 
XFindFile:       Int     21h                     ; Call DOS to find file
X                Jnc     Continue                ; If no error continue
X                Cmp     AX, 18                  ; If no more files
X                Jz      NoMoreFiles             ;   get out of the loop
X                Mov     DX, Offset FileSpecMsg  ; Error message otherwise
X                Jmp     ErrorExit               ; Exit and print message
XContinue:       Mov     AX, DI                  ; Address of destination
X                Add     AX, 512                 ; See if near top of segment
X                Jc      TooManyFiles            ; If so, too many files
X                Cmp     AX, SP                  ; See if getting too many 
X                Jb      StillOK                 ; If not, continue
XTooManyFiles:   Mov     DX, Offset TooManyMsg   ; Otherwise error message
X                Jmp     ErrorExit               ; And terminate
XStillOK:        Mov     SI, 30+Offset DTABuffer ; Points to filename
X                Call    AsciizTransfer          ; Transfer it to list
X                Inc     [FileCount]             ; Kick up counter 
X                Mov     AH, 4Fh                 ; Find next file
X                Jmp     FindFile                ; By looping around
XNoMoreFiles:    Mov     [FileListEnd], DI       ; Points after last file
X                Mov     DI, [FileList]          ; Points to end of find string
X                Mov     CX, 64                  ; Search up to 64 bytes
X                Mov     AL, '\'                 ; For the backslash
X                Std                             ; Search backwards
X                Repnz   Scasb                   ; Do the search
X                Mov     Byte Ptr [DI + 2], 0    ; Stick zero in there
X                Cld                             ; Fix up direction flag
X;       Stop Ctrl-Break Exits and Hide the files
X;       ----------------------------------------
X                Mov     AX,3300h                ; Get Break State
X                Int     21h                     ; By calling DOS
X                Mov     [BreakState],DL         ; Save it
X                Sub     DL,DL                   ; Set it to OFF
X                Mov     AX,3301h                ; Set Break State
X                Int     21h                     ; By calling DOS
X                Mov     BL, 0FFh                ; Value to AND attribute
X                Mov     BH, 02h                 ; Value to OR attribute
X                Call    ChangeFileMode          ; Hide all the files
X;       Un-allocate rest of memory 
X;       --------------------------
X                Mov     BX, [FileListEnd]       ; Beyond this we don't need
X                Add     BX, 512                 ; Allow 512 bytes for stack
X                Mov     SP, BX                  ; Set new stack pointer
X                Add     BX, 15                  ; Prepare for truncation
X                Mov     CL,4                    ; Prepare for shift
X                Shr     BX,CL                   ; Convert to segment form
X                Mov     AH,4Ah                  ; Shrink allocated memory
X                Int     21h                     ; By calling DOS
X                Mov     DX,Offset MemAllocMsg   ; Possible Error Message
X                Jc      ErrorExit2              ; Print it and terminate
X;       Search for Comspec in Environment
X;       ---------------------------------
X                Push    ES                      ; We'll be changing this
X                Mov     ES, [Environment]       ; Set ES to Environment
X                Sub     DI, DI                  ; Start at the beginning
X                Mov     SI, Offset ComSpec      ; String to search for
X                Mov     DX, Offset CommandMsg   ; Possible error message
XTryThis:        Cmp     Byte Ptr ES:[DI], 0     ; See if points to zero
X                Jz      ErrorExit2              ; If so, we can't go on
X                Push    SI                      ; Temporarily save these
X                Push    DI
X                Mov     CX, 8                   ; Search string has 8 chars
X                Repz    Cmpsb                   ; Do the string compare
X                Pop     DI                      ; Get back the registers
X                Pop     SI
X                Jz      LoadCommand             ; If equals, we've found it
X                Sub     AL, AL                  ; Otherwise search for zero
X                Mov     CX, -1                  ; For 'infinite' bytes 
X                Repnz   Scasb                   ; Do the search
X                Jmp     TryThis                 ; And try the next string
X;       Load COMMAND.COM
X;       -----------------
XLoadCommand:    Add     DI, 8                   ; so points after 'COMSPEC='
X                Push    DS                      ; Switch DS and ES registers
X                Push    ES
X                Pop     DS
X                Pop     ES
X                Mov     [StackPointer],SP       ; Save Stack Pointer
X                Mov     DX, DI                  ; DS:DX = Asciiz of COMMAND
X                Mov     BX, Offset ParamBlock   ; ES:BX = parameter block
X                Mov     AX, 4B00h               ; EXEC function call
X                Int     21h                     ; Load command processor
X;       Return from COMMAND.COM
X;       -----------------------
X                Mov     AX, CS                  ; Current code segment
X                Mov     DS, AX                  ; Reset DS to this segment
X                Mov     ES, AX                  ; Reset ES to this segment
X                Mov     SS, AX                  ; Reset stack segment to it
X                Mov     SP, [StackPointer]      ; Reset SP
X                Pushf                           ; Save error flag
X                Sub     DL,DL                   ; Set Ctrl Break to OFF
X                Mov     AX,3301h
X                Int     21h                     ; By calling DOS
X                Popf                            ; Get back error flag   
X                Mov     DX,Offset CommandMsg    ; Set up possible error msg
X                Jnc     Terminate               ; And print if EXEC error
X;       Unhide the Files, restore Ctrl-Break state, and exit
X;       ----------------------------------------------------
XErrorExit2:     Mov     AH,9                    ; Will print the string
X                Int     21h                     ; Print it
XTerminate:      Mov     BL, 0FDh                ; AND value for change
X                Mov     BH, 00h                 ; OR value for change
X                Call    ChangeFileMode          ; Change file attributes
X                Mov     DL,[BreakState]         ; Original break-state
X                Mov     AX,3301h                ; Change the break-state
X                Int     21h                     ;   by calling DOS
X                Int     20h                     ; Terminate
X;       SUBROUTINE: Change File Mode (All files, BL = AND, BH = OR)
X;       -----------------------------------------------------------
XChangeFileMode: Mov     CX, [FileCount]         ; Number of files
X                Jcxz    EndOfChange             ; If no files, do nothing
X                Mov     SI, [FileList]          ; Beginning of list
X                Mov     DX, [FileListEnd]       ; End of List
XChangeLoop:     Push    SI                      ; Save pointer
X                Mov     SI, Offset FullPath     ; Preceeding path string
X                Mov     DI, DX                  ; Destination of full name
X                Call    AsciizTransfer          ; Transfer it
X                Dec     DI                      ; Back up to end zero
X                Pop     SI                      ; Get back pointer to filename
X                Call    AsciizTransfer          ; Transfer it
X                Push    CX                      ; Save the counter
X                Mov     AX, 4300h               ; Get attribute
X                Int     21h                     ;   by calling DOS
X                And     CL, BL                  ; AND with BL
X                Or      CL, BH                  ; OR with BH
X                Mov     AX, 4301h               ; Now set attribute     
X                Int     21h                     ;   by calling DOS
X                Pop     CX                      ; Get back counter
X                Loop    ChangeLoop              ; And do it again if necessary
XEndOfChange:    Ret                             ; End of subroutine
X;       SUBROUTINE: Asciiz String Transfer (SI, DI in, returned incremented)
X;       --------------------------------------------------------------------
XAsciizTransfer: Movsb                           ; Transfer Byte
X                Cmp     Byte Ptr [DI - 1], 0    ; See if it was end
X                Jnz     AsciizTransfer          ; If not, loop
X                Ret                             ; Or leave subroutine
X;       Variable length data stored at end
X;       ----------------------------------
XDTABuffer       Label   Byte                    ; For file find calls
XFullPath        equ     DTABuffer + 43          ; For file path and names 
XCSEG            EndS                            ; End of the segment
X                End     Entry                   ; Denotes entry point
//E*O*F no.asm//

echo Possible errors detected by \'wc\' [hopefully none]:
trap "rm -f $temp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
     21     78   1083 no.com.u
    311   1819  17410 no.asm
    332   1897  18493 total
wc  no.com.u no.asm | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp -
exit 0