[net.micro.pc] LOTUS QUESTION

andrew@gatech.CSNET (Andrew Ditchfield) (04/30/86)

I am importing an ASCII file that is in a table format.  The problem is that
the whole table is assigned to column 'A' of the spreadsheet.  After several
records a table record is encountered which is too big to read into one
column of Lotus.
Any advice on how to map the fields in my table like ASCII file to the 
columns in Lotus ??

jtjones@tetra.UUCP (Jeffrey T. Jones) (05/05/86)

In article <3474@gatech.CSNET> andrew@gatech.CSNET (Andrew Ditchfield) writes:
>I am importing an ASCII file that is in a table format.  The problem is that
>the whole table is assigned to column 'A' of the spreadsheet.  After several
>records a table record is encountered which is too big to read into one
>column of Lotus.
>Any advice on how to map the fields in my table like ASCII file to the 
>columns in Lotus ??

Try using the /FIN (file - import - numbers) instead of /FIT (text).  I use
this all the time and it works Ok.  The only thing that bugs me is that I lose
all the text.  However, the numbers are what's important to me, and they work
fine.  Hope this helps...
Any opinions expressed are my own, and have NO connection with my employer.
Jeffrey T. Jones              jtjones@nosc.ARPA
(619) 225-7815                {ihnp4,decvax,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!noscvax!jtjones

snafu@ihlpm.UUCP (Wallis) (05/07/86)

> >I am importing an ASCII file that is in a table format.  The problem is that
> >the whole table is assigned to column 'A' of the spreadsheet.  After several
> >records a table record is encountered which is too big to read into one
> >column of Lotus.
> >Any advice on how to map the fields in my table like ASCII file to the 
> >columns in Lotus ??
> Try using the /FIN (file - import - numbers) instead of /FIT (text).  I use
> this all the time and it works Ok.  The only thing that bugs me is that I lose
> all the text.  However, the numbers are what's important to me, and they work
> fine.  Hope this helps...

Using the /FIT option will preserve text if it is
enclosed in double-quotes (e.g., "text" ).

                              Dave Wallis
                       AT&T Network Systems, Inc.
                            (312) 510-6238