fulton@dec-comet2.UUCP (05/19/86)
I need a tutorial on how uuencode and uudecode work. I know the basic idea: take a binary file and encode it to printable ASCII so that it can be mailed or whatever. After receipt, decode the file back to binary. (I'm quite familiar with how this works with .boo files for MS-Kermit.) What I need to know is: do uuencode and uudecode only work in a Unix environment, or has some kind soul written a versions that runs under MS-DOS? I do have access to Unix machines, but none of them have uuencode or uudecode installed. Even if they did, it would require the extra steps of transferring the uuencoded file from my MS-DOS machine to a Unix machine, running uudecode on it, and then transferring the uudecoded file to my MS-DOS machine. (I download files directly to my MS-DOS machine.) So, it would sure be great if I could uudecode directly under MS-DOS. I have several uuencoded files that I very much want to decode, so I hope someone out there can assist me. Also, there are occasions when I would like to submit binaries in uuencoded form to the net. Thanks in advance. - Cathy Fulton uucp: ...decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-comet!fulton ARPA: fulton%comet.DEC@decwrl
U0N@PSUVM.BITNET (05/21/86)
This would be helpful to many other users. We too do not have uuencode or uudecode. Could someone post a version for MS-DOS to the net? John Kalbach Penn State University Microcomputer Information and Support Center 103 Computation Center University Park, PA 16802 (814) 863-4356 ...!psuvax1!psuvm.bitnet!u0n u0n%psuvm.bitnet@wscvm.arpa