people1@mtuxo.UUCP (g.carley) (06/05/86)
MMMMSSSS WWWWOOOORRRRDDDD 3333....0000 FFFFIIIIXXXX FFFFOOOORRRR PPPPCCCC6666333300000000 IIIINNNN HHHHIIIIGGGGHHHH----RRRREEEESSSSOOOOLLLLUUUUTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN MMMMOOOODDDDEEEE When used on an AT&T PC6300, Microsoft Word Ver. 3.0 should come up in high-resolution (640 X 400) mode when the command line is simply: word This doesn't happen, however. It comes up in one of the lower resolution modes instead. A software patch is needed to correct this little problem. Use ddddeeeebbbbuuuugggg and the wwwwoooorrrrdddd....ccccoooommmm file. Do the following: type debug [return] display - type a 3b1a [return] display 304A:3B1A type jmp 3b3c [return] display 304A:3B1C type [return] display - type w [return] display writing ADD2 bytes type q [return] display [your system prompt] Now, type wwwwoooorrrrdddd and the program will come up in the 640 X 400 mode. This fix was given to me by the Microsoft helpline.