[net.micro.pc] how to boot a PC with an interrupt c

jrv@siemens.UUCP (06/19/86)

>> A little while back, people were posting little assembly language
>> programs that rebooted an IBM PC.  It had only one or two
>> instructions and could be created with DEBUG.  Now I can use one
>> and can't find any references.  Can someone offer the information
>> on how it's done?
>> Tom Reingold
>Try jumping to FFFF:0.  That's all it take.
>	- bc -

Before you jump to location ffff:0000 you might want to store the value
1234h into location 40:72. This will make the ROM BIOS think that a keyboard
reset is underway and prevent the power up system tests from being done.

	mov	ax,40
	mov	es,ax
	mov	word ptr [72],1234
	jmp	ffff:0000

The above is the code entered with DEBUG.

Jim Vallino
Siemens Research and Technology Lab.
Princeton, NJ