[net.micro.pc] nansi.sys

connery@bnrmtv.UUCP (Glenn Connery) (05/14/86)

Following is the uuencoded NANSI.SYS.  Make sure you also got NANSI.DOC
from a previous posting.
---CUT HERE---
begin 644 nansi.sys
M_____Q. RP#6 $-/3B @(" @&ULR2DYA;G-I+G-Y<R!V,BXR.B!.97<@04Y3
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Glenn Connery, Bell Northern Research, Mountain View, CA

abelsanti@watnot.UUCP (Arnold Belsanti) (07/18/86)

anyone is getting mad at the fact that I posted this on the net, please
forgive me. This is easier than mailing lots of copies to everyone.

There are three parts to this package.
     - NANSI documentation
     - NANSI source listings 
     - NANSI.SYS ( In a uuencoded format )
Again, my compliments to the author of NANSI.SYS.

p.s.  No one has responded to my request of FANSI.SYS.  If anyone knows
      or has heard of FANSI.SYS, please write me.  Tanx

nansi	- enhanced MS-DOS ansi console driver

	Include in \config.sys the line

	Nansi.sys is a console driver which understands ANSI control
	sequences. It has several advantages over ANSI.SYS (the driver
	supplied with DOS):
	1. It supports new escape sequences (see below).
	2. It provides MUCH faster output under certain conditions.
	3. It supports the 43-line mode of the EGA.
	4. The darned bell is now 1/4 second instead of 1/2 second long.

	What a console driver does:
	When you, for example, type
		C:> type foo.txt
	COMMAND.COM opens the file foo.txt, reads it, and writes it to
	the console driver, which puts it up on the screen.

	Both ansi.sys and nansi.sys use IBM Video BIOS to control the screen.
	However, nansi.sys bypasses BIOS if the screen is in a text mode; this
	allows much faster operation under certain conditions.

	While putting text up on the screen, (n)ansi.sys keeps a lookout for
	the escape character (chr(27), known as ESC); this character signals
	the start of a terminal control sequence.
	Terminal control sequences follow the format
		ESC [ param; param; ...; param cmd
		ESC	is the escape character chr$(27).
		[	is the left bracket character.
		param	is an ASCII decimal number, or a string in quotes.
		cmd	is a case-specific letter identifying the command.
	Usually, zero, one, or two parameters are given.  If parameters
	are omitted, they usually default to 1; however, some commands
	(KKR and DKOCT) treat the no-parameter case specially.
	Spaces are not allowed between parameters.

	For example, both ESC[1;1H and ESC[H send the cursor to the home
	position (1,1), which is the upper left.

	Either single or double quotes may be used to quote a string.
	Each character inside a quoted string is equivalent to one numeric
	parameter.  Quoted strings are normally used only for the Keyboard
	Key Reassignment command.

Control Sequences
	The following table lists the sequences understood by nansi.sys.
	Differences between nansi.sys and the standard ansi.sys are marked
	with a vertical bar (|).

Cursor Positioning
Short	Long name		Format		Notes
CUP	cursor position		ESC[y;xH	Sets cursor position.
HVP	cursor position		ESC[y;xf	Same as CUP; not recommended.
CUU	cursor up		ESC[nA		n = # of lines to move
CUD	cursor down		ESC[nB
CUF	cursor forward		ESC[nC		n = # of columns to move
CUB	cursor backward		ESC[nD
DSR	Device Status, Report!	ESC[6n		Find out cursor position.
CPR	Cursor Position report	ESC[y;xR	Response to DSR, as if typed.
SCP	Save Cursor Position	ESC[s		Not nestable.
RCP	Restore Cursor Position ESC[u

ED	Erase in Display	ESC[2J	Clears screen.
EL	Erase in Line		ESC[K	Clears to end of line.
IL  |	Insert Lines		ESC[nL	Inserts n blank lines at cursor line.
DL  |	Delete Lines		ESC[nM	Deletes n lines including cursor line.
ICH |	Insert Characters	ESC[n@	Inserts n blank chars at cursor.
DCH |	Delete Characters	ESC[nP	Deletes n chars including cursor char.

SGR	Set Graphics Rendition	ESC[n;n;...nm	See character attribute table.
SM	Set Mode		ESC[=nh		See screen mode table.
RM	Reset Mode		ESC[=nl		See screen mode table.
IBMKKR	Keyboard Key Reass.	ESC["string"p
	The first char of the string gives the key to redefine; the rest
	of the string is the key's new value.
	To specify unprintable chars, give the ASCII value of the char
	outside of quotes, as a normal parameter.
	IBM function keys are two byte strings; see the IBM Basic manual.
	For instance, ESC[0;";dir a:";13;p redefines function key 1 to
	have the value "dir a:" followed by the ENTER key.
      | If no parameters given, all keys are reset to their default values.

DKOCT | Output char translate	ESC[n;ny
      | When first char is encountered in output request, it is replaced with
      | the second char.  This might be useful for previewing text before
      | sending it to a printer with a funny print wheel.
      | If no parameters are given, all chars are reset to normal.

Character Attributes
	The Set Graphics Rendition command is used to select foreground
	and background colors or attributes.
	When you use multiple parameters, they are executed in sequence, and
	the effects are cumulative.
	   Attrib code		Value
		0		All attributes off (normal white on black)
		1		Bold
		4		Underline
		5		Blink
		7		Reverse Video
		8		Invisible (but why?)
		30-37		foregnd blk/red/grn/yel/blu/magenta/cyan/white
		40-47		background

Screen Modes
	The IBM BIOS supports several video modes; the codes given in the
	BIOS documentation are used as parameters to the Set Mode command.
      | (In bitmap modes, the cursor is simulated with a small blob (^V).)
	    Mode Code		Value
		0		text 40x25 Black & White
		1		text 40x25 Color
		2		text 80x25 Black & White
		3		text 80x25 Color
		4		bitmap 320x200 4 bits/pixel
		5		bitmap 320x200 1 bit/pixel
		6		bitmap 640x200 1 bit/pixel
		7		(cursor wrap kludge)
		13 (EGA)	bitmap 320x200 4 bits/pixel ?
		14 (EGA)	bitmap 640x200 4 bits/pixel
		16 (EGA)	bitmap 640x350 4 bits/pixel
	Mode 7 is an unfortunate kludge; Setting mode 7 tells the cursor
	to wrap around to the next line when it passes the end of a line;
	Resetting mode 7 tells the cursor to not wrap, but rather stay put.
      | If your computer has the Enhanced Graphics Adaptor, modes between
      | 8 and 15 are also supported; see the EGA BIOS for info.
      | The EGA also lets you use a shorter character cell in text modes
      | in order to squeeze 43 lines of text out of the 25-line text modes.
      | To enter 43 line mode, set the desired 25-line text mode (0 to 3),
      | then Set Mode 43.  For instance: ESC[=3h ESC[=43h.
      | To exit 43 line mode, set the desired 25-line text mode again.
      | Nansi.sys ignores mode 43 unless there is an EGA on your computer.

Faster Output
      | Any program that sets the console to RAW mode, and buffers its
      | output properly, can achieve extremely high screen update speeds in
      | return for giving up the special functions of the keys ^C, ^S, and ^P.
      | See IOCTL in the MS-DOS 3.x Technical Reference for more info.
	Also, a small improvement in speed may be noticed with some
	programs that use the DOS console in normal mode, as this driver
	efficiently implements the (standard but undocumented) INT 29h
	most-favored-device putchar used by DOS.

	See the file setraw.doc for Macro Assembler, Lattice C,
	and Microsoft C routines for entering and leaving raw mode.

	Insert and delete character do not work in graphics modes.
	Graphics mode writing is slow.
	The simulated cursor in graphics mode slows down single-char
	writes by a factor of 3; it should be disable-able.
	Does not support erase-to-end-of-screen and other useful functions.

	This version, 2.2, created February 1986.  Problems should
	be reported to Daniel Kegel, 1-60 CIT, Pasadena, CA 91126
	(or, after June 1986, 2648 169th Ave SE, Bellevue, Wa. 98008).
	Your suggestions for improvement would be most welcome.

	This program may be distributed for educational and personal use
	only.  Commercial use is verboten; get in touch with the author.


See nansi.doc for information

# Makefile for nansi.sys- name it 'nansi' and delete hashed lines
# Requires the Microsoft Macro Assembler version 3 or higher.

nansi.obj:	nansi.asm nansi_d.asm
	masm nansi,,nansi;

nansi_p.obj:	nansi_p.asm
	masm nansi_p,,nansi_p;

nansi_f.obj:	nansi_f.asm nansi_d.asm
	masm nansi_f,,nansi_f;

nansi_i.obj:	nansi_i.asm nansi_d.asm
	masm nansi_i,,nansi_i;

nansi.sys:	nansi.obj nansi_p.obj nansi_f.obj nansi_i.obj
	link /map nansi nansi_p nansi_f nansi_i;
	exe2bin nansi nansi.sys
	rm nansi.exe

# end of makefile for nansi.sys
;---- nansi_d.asm -----------------
; Definitions for the new ANSI driver.
; (C) 1986 Daniel Kegel
; May be distributed for educational and personal use only

takeBIOS	equ	0	; take over BIOS write_tty if true
is_8088		equ	1	; no fancy instructions if true
cls_homes_too	equ	1	; set true for ANSI.SYS compatibility

;Comment this out if running MASM 1.0

	if	is_8088

;---- end of nansi_d.asm ----
	page	66, 132
;--- nansi.asm ----------------------------------------------------------
; New ANSI terminal driver.
; Optimized for speed in the case of multi-character write requests.
; (C) 1986 Daniel Kegel, Pasadena, CA
; May be distributed for educational and personal use only
; The following files make up the driver:
;	nansi.asm   - all DOS function handlers except init
;	nansi_p.asm - parameter parser for ANSI escape sequences
;	nansi_f.asm - ANSI command handlers
;	nansi_i.asm - init DOS function handler
; Daniel Kegel, Bellevue, Washington & Pasadena, California
; Revision history:
; 5  july 85: brought up non-ANSI portion except forgot backspace
; 6  july 85: split off ANSI stuff into other files, added backspace
; 11 july 85: fixed horrible bug in getchar; changed dosfns to subroutines
; 12 july 85: fixed some scrolling bugs, began adding compaq flag
; 9  aug 85:  added cursor position reporting
; 10 aug 85:  added output character translation
; 11 aug 85:  added keyboard redefinition, some EGA 80x43 support
; 10 sept 85: Tandy 2000 support via compaq flag (finding refresh buffer)
; 30 Jan 86:  removed Tandy 2000 stuff, added graphics mode support
; 12 feb 86:  added int 29h handler, added PUSHA/POPA, added direct beep,
;	      direct cursor positioning, takeover of BIOS write_tty,
;	      noticed & squashed 2 related bugs in tab expansion
; 13 feb 86:  Squashed them again, harder
; 24 feb 86:  There is a bug in the timing code used by the BEEP routine.
;	      If the addition of the beep period to the
;	      BIOS low timer word results in an overflow, the beep will be
;	      supressed. Also made code compatible eith earlier versions
;	      of assembler.

	include nansi_d.asm	; definitions

	; from nansi_f.asm
	extrn	f_escape:near, f_in_escape:near

	; from nansi_p.asm
	extrn	param_end:word, redef_end:word

	; from nansi_i.asm
	extrn	dosfn0:near

	; to nansi_p.asm
	public	f_loopdone
	public	f_not_ansi
	public	f_ansi_exit

	; to both nansi_p.asm and nansi_f.asm
	public	cur_x, cur_y, max_x, cur_attrib

	; to nansi_f.asm
	public	xy_to_regs, get_blank_attrib
	public	port_6845
	public	wrap_flag
	public	cur_parm_ptr
	public	cur_coords, saved_coords, max_y
	public	escvector, string_term
	public	cpr_esc, cprseq
	public	video_mode
	public	lookup
	public	in_g_mode

	; to nansi_i.asm
	public	req_ptr, break_handler
	public	int_29
	if	takeBIOS
	public	new_vid_bios, old_vid_bios

	; to all modules
	public	xlate_tab_ptr

;--- seg_cs is the CS: override prefix
; (assembler forgets cs: on second "xlat dummy_cs_byte")
seg_cs	macro
	db	2eh

;--- push_all, pop_all ------------------------------------------------
; Save/restore all user registers.
push_all	macro
	if	is_8088
	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	bp
	push	si
	push	di

pop_all macro
	if	is_8088
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	bp
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax

keybuf	struc				; Used in getchar
len	dw	?
adr	dw	?
keybuf	ends

ABS40	segment at 40h
	org	1ah
buffer_head	dw	?	; Used in 'flush input buffer' dos call.
buffer_tail	dw	?

	org	49h
crt_mode	db	?
crt_cols	dw	?
crt_len		dw	?
crt_start	dw	?
cursor_posn	dw	8 dup (?)
cursor_mode	dw	?
active_page	db	?
addr_6845	dw	?
crt_mode_set	db	?	; = 7 only if monochrome display adaptor
crt_palette	db	?
	org	6ch
timer_low	dw	?	; low word of time-of-day counter (18.2 hz)

ABS40	ends


CODE	segment byte public 'CODE'
assume	cs:code, ds:code

	; Device Driver Header

	org	0

	dd	-1			; next device
	dw	8013h			; attributes
	dw	strategy		; request header pointer entry
	dw	interrupt		; request entry point
	db	'CON'			; device name (8 char)
	db	5 dup (20h)		;  ... and 5 blanks)

	; Identification- in case somebody TYPEs the assembled driver
	db	27,'[2J'
	db	"Nansi.sys v2.2"
	ife	is_8088
	db	"(80286)"
	db	': New ANSI driver (C) Daniel Kegel, Pasadena, CA 1986'
	db	13, 10, 26

;----- variable area --------------------
req_ptr label	dword
req_off dw	?
req_seg dw	?

wrap_flag	db	1	; 0 = no wrap past line end
escvector	dw	0	; state vector of ESCape sequencor
video_mode	db	3	; ROM BIOS video mode (2=BW, 3=color)
max_y		db	24
max_cur_x	label	word	; used to get both max & cur at once
max_x		db	79	; line width (79 for 80x25 modes)
cur_coords	label	word
cur_x		db	0	; cursor position (0 = left edge)
cur_y		db	0	;		  (0 = top edge)
saved_coords	dw	?	; holds XY after a SCP escape sequence
string_term	db	0	; either escape or double quote
cur_attrib	db	7	; current char attributes
cur_page	db	0	; current display page
video_seg	dw	?	; segment of video card
f_cptr_seg	dw	?	; part of fastout write buffer pointer
cur_parm_ptr	dw	?	; last byte of parm area now used
port_6845	dw	?	; port address of 6845 card
xlate_tab_ptr	dw	?	; pointer to output translation table
		if	takeBIOS
old_vid_bios	dd	?	; pointer to old video bios routine

brkkeybuf	db	3	; control C
fnkeybuf	db	?	; holds second byte of fn key codes
cpr_buf		db	8 dup (?), '['
cpr_esc		db	1bh	; descending buffer for cpr function

; following four keybufs hold information about input
; Storage order determines priority- since the characters making up a function
; key code must never be separated (say, by a Control-Break), they have the
; highest priority, and so on.	Keyboard keys (except ctrl-break) have the
; lowest priority.

fnkey	keybuf	<0, fnkeybuf>	; fn key string (0 followed by scan code)
cprseq	keybuf	<0>		; CPR string (ESC [ y;x R)
brkkey	keybuf	<0, brkkeybuf>	; ^C
xlatseq keybuf	<0>		; keyboard reassignment string

;------ xy_to_regs --------------------------------------------
; on entry: x in cur_x, y in cur_y
; on exit:  dx = chars left on line, di = address
; Alters ax, bx.
xy_to_regs	proc	near
	; Find number of chars 'till end of line, keep in DX
	mov	ax, max_cur_x
	mov	bx, ax			; save max_x & cur_x for next block
	mov	ah, 0			; ax = max_x
	xchg	dx, ax
	mov	al, bh
	mov	ah, 0			; ax = cur_x
	sub	dx, ax
	inc	dx			; dx is # of chars till EOL
	; Calculate DI = current address in text buffer
	mov	al, bl			; al = max_x
	inc	al
	mul	cur_y
	add	al, bh			; al += cur_x
	adc	ah, 0			; AX is # of chars into buffer
	add	ax, ax
	xchg	di, ax			; DI is now offset of cursor.
xy_to_regs	endp

;------- dos_fn_tab -------------
; This table is used in "interrupt" to call the routine that handles
; the requested function.

max_cmd equ	12
	dw	dosfn0, nopcmd, nopcmd, badcmd, dosfn4, dosfn5, dosfn6
	dw	dosfn7, dosfn8, dosfn8, nopcmd, nopcmd

;------- strategy ----------------------------------------------------
; DOS calls strategy with a request which is to be executed later.
; Strategy just saves the request.

strategy	proc	far
	mov	cs:req_off,BX
	mov	cs:req_seg,ES
strategy	endp

;------ interrupt -----------------------------------------------------
; This is where the request handed us during "strategy" is
; actually carried out.
; Calls one of 12 subroutines depending on the function requested.
; Each subroutine returns with exit status in AX.

interrupt	proc	far
	push_all			; preserve caller's registers
	push	ds
	push	es

	; Read requested function information into registers
	lds	bx,cs:req_ptr
	mov	al,[BX+02h]		; al = function code
; The next instruction blows up MASM 1.0 but who cares!!
	les	si,[BX+0Eh]		; ES:SI = input/output buffer addr
	mov	cx,[BX+12h]		; cx = input/output byte count

	cmp	al, max_cmd
	ja	unk_command		; too big, exit with error code

	xchg	bx, ax
	shl	bx, 1			; form index to table of words
	mov	ax, cs
	mov	ds, ax
	call	word ptr dos_fn_tab[bx]
	lds	bx,cs:req_ptr		; report status
	or	ax, 100h		; (always set done bit upon exit)
	mov	[bx+03],ax

	pop	ES			; restore caller's registers
	pop	DS
	ret				; return to DOS.

	call	badcmd
	jmp	int_done

interrupt	endp

;----- BIOS break handler -----------------------------------------
; Called by BIOS when Control-Break is hit (vector was set up in Init).
; Simply notes that a break was hit.  Flag is checked during input calls.

break_handler	proc
	mov	cs:brkkey.len, 1
break_handler	endp


;------ badcmd -------------------------------------------------------
; Invalid function request by DOS.
badcmd	proc	near
	mov	ax, 813h		; return "Error: invalid cmd"
badcmd	endp

;------ nopcmd -------------------------------------------------------
; Unimplemented or dummy function request by DOS.
nopcmd	proc	near
	xor	ax, ax			; No error, not busy.
nopcmd	endp

;------- dos function #4 ----------------------------------------
; Reads CX characters from the keyboard, places them in buffer at
; ES:SI.
dosfn4	proc	near
	jcxz	dos4done
	mov	di, si
dos4lp: push	cx
	call	getchar
	pop	cx
	loop	dos4lp
	xor	ax, ax			; No error, not busy.
dosfn4	endp

;-------- dos function #5: non-destructive input, no wait ------
; One-character lookahead into the keyboard buffer.
; If no characters in buffer, return BUSY; otherwise, get value of first
; character of buffer, stuff into request header, return DONE.
dosfn5	proc	near
	call	peekchar
	jz	dos5_busy

	lds	bx,req_ptr
	mov	[bx+0Dh], al
	xor	ax, ax			; No error, not busy.
	jmp	short dos5_exit
	MOV	ax, 200h		; No error, busy.

dosfn5	endp

;-------- dos function #6: input status --------------------------
; Returns "busy" if no characters waiting to be read.
dosfn6	proc	near
	call	peekchar
	mov	ax, 200h		; No error, busy.
	jz	dos6_exit
	xor	ax, ax			; No error, not busy.
dosfn6	endp

;-------- dos function #7: flush input buffer --------------------
; Clears the IBM keyboard input buffer.  Since it is a circular
; queue, we can do this without knowing the beginning and end
; of the buffer; all we need to do is set the tail of the queue
; equal to the head (as if we had read the entire queue contents).
; Also resets all the device driver's stuffahead buffers.
dosfn7	proc	near
	xor	ax, ax
	mov	fnkey.len, ax		; Reset the stuffahead buffers.
	mov	cprseq.len, ax
	mov	brkkey.len, ax
	mov	xlatseq.len, ax

	mov	ax, abs40
	mov	es, ax
	mov	ax, es:buffer_head	; clear queue by making the tail
	mov	es:buffer_tail, ax	; equal to the head

	xor	ax, ax			; no error, not busy.
dosfn7	endp

	if	takeBIOS
;--- new_vid_bios -------------------------------------------
; New_vid_bios simply replaces the write_tty call.
; All other calls get sent to the old video bios.
; This gives BIOS ANSI capability.
; However, it takes away the escape character.
; If this is not desired, just tell init to not take over the vector.

new_vid_bios	proc
	cmp	ah, 14
	jz	nvb_write_tty
	jmp	dword ptr cs:old_vid_bios
	push	cx
	mov	cl, cs:cur_attrib
	; If in graphics mode, BL is new color
	call	in_g_mode		; returns carry set if text mode
	jc	nvb_wt_text
		mov	cs:cur_attrib, bl	; ja?
	int	29h			; write AL
	mov	cs:cur_attrib, cl	; restore color
	pop	cx

new_vid_bios	endp

;------ int_29 ----------------------------------------------
; Int 29 handles DOS quick-access putchar.
; Last device loaded with attribute bit 4 set gets accessed for
; single-character writes via int 29h instead of via interrupt.
; Must preserve all registers.
; Installed as int 29h by dosfn0 (init).
int_29_buf	db	?

int_29	proc	near
	push	ds
	push	es
	mov	cx, 1
	mov	bx, cs
	mov	es, bx
	mov	ds, bx
	mov	si, offset int_29_buf
	mov	byte ptr [si], al
	call	dosfn8
	pop	es
	pop	ds
int_29	endp

;------ dosfn8 -------------------------------------------------------
; Handles writes to the device (with or without verify).
; Called with
;  CX	 = number of bytes to write
;  ES:SI = transfer buffer
;  DS	 = CS, so we can access local variables.

dosfn8	proc	near

	mov	f_cptr_seg, es	; save segment of char ptr

	; Read the BIOS buffer address/cursor position variables.
	mov	ax, abs40
	mov	ds, ax
	assume	ds:abs40

	; Find current video mode and screen size.
	mov	ax,word ptr crt_mode	; al = crt mode; ah = # of columns
	mov	cs:video_mode, al
	dec	ah			; ah = max column
	mov	cs:max_x, ah

	; Find current cursor coordinates.
	mov	al,active_page
	add	ax,ax
	xchg	bx,ax
	mov	ax,cursor_posn[bx]
	mov	cs:cur_coords,AX

	; Find video buffer segment address; adjust it
	; so the offset is zero; return in AX.

	; DS is abs40.
	; Find 6845 address.
	mov	ax, addr_6845
	mov	cs:port_6845, ax
	; Find video buffer address.
	MOV	AX,crt_start
	shr	ax, 1
	shr	ax, 1
	shr	ax, 1
	shr	ax, 1
	add	ah, 0B0h		; assume it's a monochrome card...
	CMP	cs:video_mode,07
	jz	d8_gots
	add	ah, 8			; but if not mode 7, it's color.
	push	cs
	pop	ds
	assume	ds:code
	mov	video_seg, ax
	mov	es, ax
	call	xy_to_regs		; Set DX, DI according to cur_coords.

	; | If in graphics mode, clear old pseudocursor
	call	in_g_mode
	jc	d8_no_cp
		call	pseudocursor	; write block in xor
	mov	bx, xlate_tab_ptr	; get pointer to translation table

	mov	ah, cur_attrib
	mov	ds, f_cptr_seg		; get segment of char ptr
	assume	ds:nothing
	cld				; make sure we'll increment

	; The Inner Loop: 4+12 +4+4 +4+4 +0+15 +4+4 +4+18 = 77 cycles/loop
	; on 8088; at 4.77 MHz, that gives 16.1 microseconds/loop.
	; At that speed, it takes 32 milliseconds to fill a screen.

	; Get a character, put it on the screen, repeat 'til end of line
	; or no more characters.
	jcxz	f_loopdone		; if count = 0, we're already done.
	cmp	cs:escvector, 0		; If in middle of an escape sequence,
	jnz	f_in_escapex		; jump to escape sequence handler.

f_tloop:; | If in graphics mode, jump to alternate loop
	; | What a massive kludge!  A better approach would have been
	; | to collect characters for a "write n chars" routine
	; | which would handle both text and graphics modes.
	call	in_g_mode
	jc	f_t_cloop
	jmp	f_g_cloop

	LODSB				; get char! (al = ds:[si++])
	cmp	al, 28			; is it a control char?
	jb	f_control		;  maybe...
	STOSW				; Put Char! (es:[di++] = ax)
	dec	dx			; count down to end of line
	loopnz	f_t_cloop		; and go back for more.
	jz	f_t_at_eol		; at end of line; maybe do a crlf.
	jmp	short f_loopdone

f_ansi_exit:				; in case we switched into
	loopnz	f_tloop			; a graphics mode
	jz	f_at_eol


	;--------- All done with write request -----------
	; DI is cursor address; cursor position in cur_y, dl.
	mov	ax, cs
	mov	ds, ax			; get our segment back
	assume	ds:code

	; Restore cur_x = max_x - dx + 1.
	mov	al, max_x
	inc	al
	sub	al, dl
	mov	cur_x, al
	; Set cursor position; cursor adr in DI; cursor pos in cur_x,cur_y
	call	set_pseudocursor
	; Return to DOS.
	xor	ax, ax			; No error, not busy.

	;---- handle control characters ----
	; Note: cur_x is not kept updated in memory, but can be
	; computed from max_x and dx.
	; Cur_y is kept updated in memory.
	cmp	al, 27			; Is it an escape?
	jz	f_escapex
	cmp	al, 13			; carriage return?
	jz	f_cr
	cmp	al, 10			; line feed?
	jz	f_lf
	cmp	al, 9			; tab?
	jz	f_tabx
	cmp	al, 8			; backspace?
	jz	f_bs
	cmp	al, 7			; bell?
	jz	f_bell
	jmp	f_nctl			; then it is not a control char.

f_tabx: jmp	f_tab
	jmp	f_escape
	jmp	f_in_escape

f_bs:	;----- Handle backspace -----------------
	; Moves cursor back one space without erasing.	No wraparound.
	cmp	dl, cs:max_x		; wrap around to previous line?
	ja	fbs_wrap		; yep; disallow it.
	dec	di			; back up one char & attrib,
	dec	di
	inc	dx			; and note one more char left on line.
	jmp	f_looploop

f_bell: ;----- Handle bell ----------------------
	; Use BIOS to do the beep.  DX is not changed, as bell is nonprinting.
	call	beep
	or	al, al			; clear z
; old (more portable) version:
;	mov	ax, 0e07h		; "write bell to tty simulator"
;	mov	bx, 0			; "page zero, color black"
;	int	10h			; call BIOS
;	mov	ah, cs:cur_attrib	; restore current attribute
;	mov	bx, cs:xlate_tab_ptr	; restore translate table address
;	or	al, al			; al still 7; this clears Z.
	jmp	f_looploop		; Let main loop decrement cx.

f_cr:	;----- Handle carriage return -----------
	; di -= cur_x<<1;		set di= address of start of line
	; dx=max_x+1;			set bx= chars left in line
	mov	al, cs:max_x
	inc	al
	sub	al, dl			; Get cur_x into ax.
	mov	ah, 0
	sub	di, ax
	sub	di, ax
	mov	dl, cs:max_x		; Full line ahead of us.
	inc	dx
	mov	ah, cs:cur_attrib	; restore current attribute
	or	al, 1			; clear z
	jmp	f_looploop		; and let main loop decrement cx

	;----- Handle overrunning right end of screen -------
	; cx++;				compensate for double loop
	; if (!wrap_flag) { dx++; di-=2; }
	; else do_crlf;
	inc	cx
	test	cs:wrap_flag, 1
	jnz	feol_wrap
		dec	di
		dec	di
		inc	dx
		jmp	f_looploop
	; dx=max_x+1;			set bx= chars left in line
	; di -= 2*(max_x+1);
	; do_lf
	mov	dl, cs:max_x
	inc	dx
	sub	di, dx
	sub	di, dx
	; fall thru to line feed routine

f_lf:	;----- Handle line feed -----------------
	; if (cur_y >= max_y) scroll;		scroll screen up if needed
	; else { cur_y++; di += max_x<<1;	else increment Y

	mov	al, cs:max_y
	cmp	cs:cur_y, al
	jb	flf_noscroll
		call	scroll_up		; preserves bx,cx,dx,si,di
		jmp	short flf_done
	inc	cs:cur_y
	mov	al, cs:max_x
	mov	ah, 0
	inc	ax
	add	ax, ax
	add	di, ax
	mov	ah, cs:cur_attrib		; restore current attribute
	or	al, 1			; clear z
	jmp	f_looploop		; and let main loop decrement cx

f_tab:	;----- Handle tab expansion -------------
	; Get cur_x into al.
	mov	al, cs:max_x
	inc	al
	sub	al, dl
	; Calculate number of spaces to output.
	push	cx			; save cx
	mov	ch, 0
	mov	cl, al			; get zero based x coordinate
	and	cl, 7
	neg	cl
	add	cl, 8			; 0 -> 8, 1 -> 8, ... 7 -> 1
	sub	dx, cx			; update chars-to-eol, maybe set z
	pushf				; || save Z for main loop
	; ah is still current attribute.  Move CX spaces to the screen.
	mov	al, ' '
	call	in_g_mode		; | graphics mode
	jnc	f_tab_putc		; |
	popf				; || restore Z flag for main loop test
	pop	cx			; restore cx
	jmp	f_looploop		; Let main loop decrement cx.

;--------------- graphics mode support -----------------------

f_tab_putc:	; graphics mode- call putc to put the char
	add	dx, cx			; move back to start of tab
	call	putchar
	dec	dx			; go to next cursor position
	loop	f_tp_lp
	popf				; Z set if wrapped around EOL
	pop	cx
	jmp	f_looploop

;---- in_g_mode -------------
; Returns Carry set if not in a graphics mode.
; Preserves all registers.

in_g_mode	proc	near
	cmp	cs:video_mode, 4
	jb	igm_stc
	cmp	cs:video_mode, 7
	jz	igm_stc
in_g_mode	endp

;---- Where to go when a character turns out not to be special
	call	in_g_mode
	jnc	f_g_nctl		; graphics mode
	jmp	f_t_nctl		; text mode

;---- Alternate main loop for graphics mode ----
	LODSB				; get char! (al = ds:[si++])
	cmp	al, 28			; is it a control char?
	jb	f_g_control		;  maybe...
	call	putchar
	dec	dx			; count down to end of line
	loopnz	f_g_cloop		; and go back for more.
	jz	f_g_at_eol		; at end of line; maybe do a crlf.
	jmp	f_loopdone

f_g_control:	jmp	f_control
f_g_at_eol:	jmp	f_at_eol

;---- putchar ------------------------------------------------
; Writes char AL, attribute AH to screen at (max_x+1-dl), cur_y.
; On entry, registers set up as per xy_to_regs.
; Preserves all registers.
putchar proc	near
	push	dx
	push	cx
	push	bx
	push	ax
	; 1. Set cursor position.
	mov	al, cs:max_x
	inc	al
	sub	al, dl
	mov	cs:cur_x, al
	mov	dx, cs:cur_coords	; get X & Y into DX
	xor	bx, bx			; choose dpy page 0
	mov	ah, 2			; chose "Set Cursor Position"
	int	10h			; call ROM BIOS
	; 2. Write char & attribute.
	mov	cx, 1
	pop	ax			; get char in AL
	push	ax
	mov	bl, ah			; attribute in BL
	mov	bh, 0
	mov	ah, 9
	int	10h
	pop	ax
	pop	bx
	pop	cx
	pop	dx
putchar endp

;---- set_pseudocursor ------------
; If in graphics mode, set pseudocursor, else set real cursor.
; Destroys DS!!!!

set_pseudocursor	proc	near
	call	in_g_mode
	jnc	pseudocursor
; old (more portable, but slower) version
;	mov	dx, cur_coords		; get X & Y into DX
;	xor	bx, bx			; choose dpy page 0
;	mov	ah, 2			; chose "Set Cursor Position"
;	int	10h			; call ROM BIOS

	; Write directly to 6845 cursor address register.
	mov	bx, di
	shr	bx, 1			; convert word index to byte index

	mov	dx, port_6845
	mov	al, 0eh
	out	dx, al

	jmp	$+2
	inc	dx
	mov	al, bh
	out	dx, al

	jmp	$+2
	dec	dx
	mov	al, 0fh
	out	dx, al

	jmp	$+2
	inc	dx
	mov	al, bl
	out	dx, al

	; Set cursor position in low memory.
	assume	ds:abs40
	mov	ax, abs40
	mov	ds, ax
; Does anybody ever use anything but page zero?
;	mov	al,active_page
;	cbw
;	add	ax,ax
;	xchg	bx,ax
	mov	ax, cs:cur_coords
	mov	cursor_posn,ax

	assume	ds:code
set_pseudocursor	endp

;---- pseudocursor --------------------------------------------------
; Writes a color 15 block in XOR at the current cursor location.
; Preserves DS, ES, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI.
; Should be disableable- the pseudocursor slows down single-char
; writes by a factor of three.
pseudocursor	proc	near
	mov	ax, 8f16h	; xor, color 15, ^V (small block)
	call	putchar
pseudocursor	endp

;--------------- end of graphics mode support --------------------

dosfn8	endp

;--- get_blank_attrib ------------------------------------------------
; Determine new attribute and character for a new blank region.
; Use current attribute, just disallow blink and underline.
; (Pretty strange way to do it.  Might want to disallow rev vid, too.)
; Returns result in AH, preserves all other registers.
get_blank_attrib	proc	near
	mov	ah, 0
	call	in_g_mode
	jnc	gb_aok			; if graphics mode, 0 is bkgnd

	mov	ah, cs:cur_attrib
	and	ah, 7fh			; disallow blink
	cmp	cs:video_mode, 7	; monochrome?
	jnz	gb_aok
		cmp	ah, 1		; underline?
		jnz	gb_aok
		mov	ah, 7		; yep- set it to normal.
gb_aok: ret
get_blank_attrib	endp

;---- scroll_up ---------------------------------------------------
; Scroll screen up- preserves ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, ds, es.
; Moves screen up 1 line, fills the last line with blanks.
; Attribute of blanks is the current attribute sans blink and underline.

scroll_up	proc	near
	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	dx

	call	get_blank_attrib
	mov	bh, ah			; color to use on new blank areas
	mov	al, 1			; AL is number of lines to scroll.
	mov	ah, 6			; BIOS: scroll up
	mov	cl, 0			; upper-left-x of data to scroll
	mov	ch, 0			; upper-left-y of data to scroll
	mov	dl, cs:max_x		; lower-rite-x
	mov	dh, cs:max_y		; lower-rite-y (zero based)
	int	10h			; call BIOS to scroll a rectangle.

	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
scroll_up	endp

;---- lookup -----------------------------------------------
; Called by getchar, peekchar, and key to see if a given key has
; been redefined.
; Sets AH to zero if AL is not zero (i.e. if AX is not a function key).
; Returns with Z cleared if no redefinition; otherwise,
; Z is set, SI points to redefinition string, CX is its length.
; Preseves AL, all but CX and SI.
; Redefinition table organization:
;  Strings are stored in reversed order, first char last.
;  The word following the string is the character to be replaced;
;  the next word is the length of the string sans header.
; param_end points to the last byte used by the parameter buffer;
; redef_end points to the last word used by the redef table.

lookup	proc	near
	mov	si, redef_end		; Start at end of table, move down.
	or	al, al
	jz	lu_lp
	mov	ah, 0			; clear extraneous scan code
lu_lp:	cmp	si, param_end
	jbe	lu_notfound		; If below redef table, exit.
	mov	cx, [si]
	cmp	ax, [si-2]		; are you my mommy?
	jz	lu_gotit
	sub	si, 4
	sub	si, cx			; point to next header
	jmp	lu_lp
	or	si, si			; clear Z
	jmp	short lu_exit
	sub	si, 2
	sub	si, cx			; point to lowest char in memory
	cmp	al, al			; set Z
lookup	endp

;---- searchbuf --------------------------------------------
; Called by getchar and peekchar to see if any characters are
; waiting to be gotten from sources other than BIOS.
; Returns with Z set if no chars found, BX=keybuf & SI=keybuf.len otherwise.
searchbuf	proc	near
	; Search the stuffahead buffers.
	mov	cx, 4			; number of buffers to check for chars
	mov	bx, offset fnkey - 4
sbloop: add	bx, 4			; point to next buffer record
	mov	si, [bx].len
	or	si, si			; empty?
	loopz	sbloop			; if so, loop.
searchbuf	endp

;---- getchar -----------------------------------------------
; Returns AL = next char.
; Trashes AX, BX, CX, BP, SI.
getchar proc	near
	; See if any chars are waiting in stuffahead buffers.
	call	searchbuf
	jz	gc_trykbd		; No chars?  Try the keyboard.
	; A nonempty buffer was found.
	dec	[bx].len
	dec	si
	mov	bp, [bx].adr		; get pointer to string
	mov	al, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; get the char
	; Recognize function key sequences, move them to highest priority
	; queue.
	sub	si, 1			; set carry if si=0
	jc	gc_nofnkey		; no chars left -> nothing to protect.
	cmp	bx, offset fnkey
	jz	gc_nofnkey		; already highest priority -> done.
	or	al, al
	jnz	gc_nofnkey		; nonzero first byte -> not fnkey.
	; Found a function key; move it to highest priority queue.
	dec	[bx].len
	mov	ah, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; get the second byte of fn key code
	mov	fnkey.len, 1
	mov	fnkeybuf, ah		; save it.
	; Valid char in AL.  Return with it.
	jmp	short gcdone

	; Actually get a character from the keyboard.
	mov	ah, 0
	int	16h			; BIOS returns with char in AX
	; If it's Ctrl-break, it has already been taken care of.
	or	ax, ax
	jz	gc_trykbd

	; Look in the reassignment table to see if it needs translation.
	call	lookup			; Z=found; CX=length; SI=ptr
	jnz	gc_noredef
	; Okay; set up the reassignment, and run thru the translation code.


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That's it 
Enjoy folks ...

dan@srs.UUCP (Dan Kegel) (08/01/86)

Nansi.sys is a public domain ANSI console driver for MS-DOS.  
I wrote it in a fit of frustration with ANSI.SYS, the standard equipment 
console driver, which is extremely slow; NANSI.SYS is much faster 
because it handles multiple-byte writes efficiently.
It also implements a greater subset of the ANSI standard, and
provides access to OEM hardware features, such as 43 line mode on the EGA.
Contrary to recent statements on Usenet, NANSI is unrelated to FANSI 
(aka FCONSOLE.DEV), whose sources are not public domain.

Anyone with bug reports or comments on desired functions
(and especially anyone who has implemented more ANSI functions)
is invited to send them to me at ...rochester!srs!dan.
If there is interest, I will integrate the new functions, and post
a new version to the net.
- Daniel Kegel