shapiro@oucs.UUCP (Brian Shapiro) (10/13/86)
*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** Help! I am seeking information with explanations on sending mail between users on BITNET, ARPA-net and UUCP net. An explanation would be helpful as would a list of gateway type machines. Any help that could be rendered would be greatly appreciated. Brian Shapiro Ohio University Computing and Learning Services 220 Haning Hall Athens, Ohio 45701 BITNET Address : SHAPIRO at OUACCVMA
ken@rochester.ARPA (Comfy chair) (10/14/86)
You could do worse than look at this months Communications of the ACM. By the way, please do not post requests to net.sources. Thanks. Ken
ehrlich@psuvax1.UUCP@ndmce.uucp (Dan Ehrlich) (10/17/86)
Penn State is a UUCP <=> BITNET gateway. The easiest way to get things on to the BITNET is to use an address of the following form: ...!ihnp4!psuvax1!SITENAME.BITNET!user As for ARPA gateways, I belive that the site WISCVM.BITNET is a BITNET to ARPA net gateway so the following might work: ...!ihnp4!psuvax1!WISCVM.BITNET!!user I cannot be sure that the above is correct but it feels right. --Daniel Ehrlich =============================================================================== CSNET: ehrlich@penn-state.csnet USPS: The Pennsylvania State University INTERNET: Department of Computer Science UUCP: ...!ihnp4!psuvax1!ehrlich 334B Whitmore Laboratory BITNET: ehrlich@psuvax1.bitnet University Park, PA 16802 BELL: (814) 863-1142 "The sky is blue so we know where to stop mowing." Judge Harold T. Stone ===============================================================================