[net.startrek] Fake Deaths

karn (12/22/82)

A long long time ago, I promised a list of all those episodes of Star Trek
in which one of the major characters is apparently killed and then later
revived, either by not having been actually killed, or some
god-and-machine force that actually restores them to life (why doesn't
this ever happen with security guards?)

Here is the list.

Kirk - Amok Time.  Everyone but McCoy believes that Spock kills Kirk
in the mating battle.  It turns out that McCoy injected Kirk with a
knockout drug to shock Spock out of his mating state.

Kirk - The Enterprise Incident.  Spock "kills" Kirk with the Vulcan
Death Grip during a ruse to make the Romulans think Kirk went
insane.  They later steal the Romulan cloaking device.

Kirk - The Tholian Web.  Everybody on the Enterprise believes Kirk is
dead after being lost in the interphase, but we find out differently.

Spock - Return to Tomorrow.  Spock's conciousness, deposited in a
receptacle, is believed destroyed by the evil Henoch (and the
audience) until we discover that he had really been inside Nurse
Chapel.  Earlier in the same episode, Kirk's body is apparently killed,
although we know that his consciousness is safe within a receptacle.

Scotty - The Changeling. Scotty is zapped by Nomad and pronounced
dead by Dr. McCoy, but Nomad offers to "repair the unit Scott" and
proceeds to do so.

McCoy - Shore Leave.  The knight on horseback impales McCoy, he is
pronounced dead (was a doctor present?), his body disappears, and he
shows up again at the end of the episode "repaired".

Chekov - Spectre of the Gun.  Chekov is shot by an Earp, pronounced
dead by Dr. McCoy, but reappears on the Enterprise after Spock
convinces everyone that the situation they were in was an illusion.

This covers just about all of the major characters.  Did I forget any?
