[net.startrek] spocks death

geo (01/27/83)

I don't consider myself a trekkie, although I enjoyed
watching the show when I was a kid, and enjoyed STII:twok.
I considered many of the original shows silly and contrived
and I probably won't go to see the third movie if they use
some kind of contrived plot gimmick like re-incarnating

I wonder if they considered doing anything like what was done
with the old "Kung Fu" series?  People really liked the
Spock character throughout the series.  He was probably
more popular than Kirk.  As I recall, at least on the net,
the Saveek (sp?) character from STII:twok was quite popular.
Saveek was Spock's protege, correct?

Why not have Spock's scenes all be flashbacks to Saveek's
earlier life?   Do any of you remember the old Kung Fu
series?  It worked quite well there, particularly for
the first half-dozen shows, while they still had some
good scripts.

In a completely different vein, you say that Leonard Nimoy is
going to direct the third movie.  To my mind, that 
suggests it won't be a very good movie.   There was a
very cheaply produced series that I watched occasionally
six or seven years ago, called "In Search of....".
Leonard Nimoy was the narrator for it.  Typically,  each show 
searched for a different thing that went bump in the
night, like ghosts, psychic surgeons, bermuda triangles,
chariots of the gods, re-incarnation & etc.
To me, this suggests that Leonard Nimoy is either a very
credulous scientific illiterate, or an unprincipled
money-grubber.   Either way, I can't see him making
a good science fiction movie...

	Cordially, Geo Swan, Integrated Studies, University of Waterloo