lute (03/23/83)
I have played the Star Trek game at the Rutgers Campus Center several times. It is moderately interesting. In the upper-right corner you have a long- range scan screen (something like the one in defender) and your main objective is to defend your starbase(s) and destroy klingons. On your main screen you see things as if you were looking through the viewer from the Captain's chair on the Enterprise. You have shields but after two hits they dissolve and you have to dock with a starbase to restore them. At your right-hand you have thrust, phaser and (I think) photon torpedo controls. In the center, there is a warp button (which I have never used). For your left hand there is a knob you spin to rotate the ship on one axis. It's an interesting game. I think that the manufacturers could add one more element of difficulty if they had three knobs for roll, pitch and yaw (like an x,y and z axis)! Jim Collymore