[net.startrek] Corbomite Maneuver

ecn-ec:ecn-pc:swc@pur-ee.UUCP (07/31/83)

Sorry, Sparrow, but I'm fairly sure that the last line was by
Kirk. He and Spock did a take to McCoy due to HIS last line
("...in a pig's eye!"). After a brief pause, Kirk said to Spock,
"C'mon, Spock, let's go mind the store". (Or very nearly that).

GOTCHA! But thanks for the posting as it lets me know I'm not the
only one who gets my postings.


dje@5941ux.UUCP (08/03/83)

The "in a pig's eye" line came from AMOK TIME, not THE CORBOMITE MANEUVER.

ecn-ec:ecn-pc:swc@pur-ee.UUCP (08/04/83)

Miss Oatts -

	The episode was named "Amok Time", not "Corbomite Maneuver".
During the denounment when Kirk was explaining to Spock (notice 'Spock'
must ALWAYS be capitalized) of what McCoy did, he said something like
"That wasn't a Tri-Ox compound. McCoy slipped me a neural paralyzer...
simulating death". Hence, it was not a drug to further reduce the oxygen
as you suggested. I would think that if it were that Kirk would not only
have gone unconscious, but died of suffocation as well. McCoy had to give
him something that would "simulate death" in case the Vulcans had to examine
the body (which they didn't).

	Thank you for the attempt, though. Back to the "Dr. Spock's Book
of Medicine", eh?

		Bitingly yours,

				Scott Collins
				Purdue University

	Please pardon the spelling error of "denouement" above...

	Perhaps as a drug acting on the nervous system, it "luckily"
took effect when Kirk was most excited (nervous?), i.e. when he was
being throttled. I know I sure would've been rather on edge. Would
have had to change Mmy underwear, I suppose.