[net.startrek] Alphabetical List of Episodes

jlp@inmet.UUCP (04/19/84)

inmet!jlp    Apr 17 13:09:00 1984


ALL OUR YESTERDAYS		Troika find themselves on planet soon to go

THE ALTERNATIVE FACTOR		Rivals from parallel negative universes attempt
				to destroy each other without annihilating both 

AMOK TIME			Spock is in heat.

AND THE CHILDREN SHALL LEAD	The Feds are threatened by some kids with
				peculiar powers sourced from Melvin Belli.

THE APPLE			Enterprise is held captive by planet bound
				computer-god Vaal.

ARENA				ST version of a short story where enemy captain
				opposes Kirk, loses.

ASSIGNMENT: EARTH		Pilot for Robert Lansing Series about human
				raised in 20th century by an advanced race,
				sent back to "save" them.

BALANCE OF TERROR		ST version of Sub/Destroyer film " The Enemy 
				Below". Kirk chases Romulans for first time.

BREAD AND CIRCUSES		Enterprise encounters ancient Rome in 
				parallel development, only Rome won.

BY ANY OTHER NAME		Andromedans hijack Enterprise to go home.

CATSPAW				Witch and warlock vs. landing party.

THE CHANGELING			Precursor to ST:TMP. Nomad finds Creator.

CHARLIE X			17-year-old comes to ship, loses temper, rolls
				eyes, zaps people.

THE CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER	Time travel by Harlan Ellison, using Guardian
				at the Edge of Forever.

THE CLOUD MINDERS		Class struggle in a floating city.

THE CONSCIENCE OF THE KING	Traveling actor is out to destroy all witnesses
				of previous career as mass murderer.

THE CORBOMITE MANUEVER		Big game of Chicken with BIIIG ship.

COURT-MARTIAL			Revenge against Kirk for poor performance review

DAGGER OF THE MIND		Mad Scientist gets carried away with behavior 

DAY OF THE DOVE			Klingons and Feds fight it out, kiss and make
				up when they discover they're being used by
				blinking lights.

THE DEADLY YEARS		Everybody ages except frightened Chekov.

THE DEVIL IN THE DARK		Silicon life form take revenge on mining 
				colony for breaking open her eggs.

THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE		Constellation lost to tubular planet eater.

ELAAN OF TROYIUS		Bitchy aristocrat falls prey to superstud Kirk.

THE EMPATH			Telepath heals others while troika gets hit.

THE ENEMY WITHIN		Kirk become Jekyll and Hyde.

THE ENTERPRISE INCIDENT		Feds win this version of 1967-8 Pueblo incident.

ERRAND OF MERCY			Feds use force to bring Peace. Organia stops all

HAVE TOUCHED THE SKY		Troika land on asteroid bearing remnant people.
FRIDAY'S CHILD			Feds and Klingons fight for mining rights.

THE GALILEO SEVEN		Spock gets trial command on shuttlecraft.

THE GAMESTERS OF TRISKELION	Kirk, CHekov, and Uhura are forced to fight
				with aliens to amuse their masters.

The IMMUNITY SYNDROME		Huge amoeba wipes out Intrepid.

I, MUDD				Harry Mudd on a planet of androids.

IS THERE IN TRUTH NO BEAUTY	Ship designer goes amok after seeing Medusan.

JOURNEY TO BABEL.		Spock's daddy and mommy visit Enterprise.

				Black/White vs. White/Black bigotry.

THE LIGHTS OF ZETAR		Scotty's girlfriend gets possessed by lights.

THE MAN TRAP			McCoy's girlfriend is emulated by salt monster.

MARK OF GIDEON			Kirk's girlfriend seduces him in mockup ship.

THE MENAGERIE			Embodiment of original pilot.

METAMORPHOSIS			Developer of stardrive kept alive by a cloud.

MIRI				Naughty kids are all that's left on parallel

MIRROR, MIRROR			Naughty crew is all that's left in parallel

MUDD's WOMEN			Lonely ladies are shipped to mining outpost.

THE NAKED TIME			Water born virus freaks everybody out.

OBSESSION			Kirk chases bloodsucking cloud.

THE OMEGA GLORY			Captain Tracy hunts fountain of youth.

OPERATION: ANNIHILATE		Fried eggs kill Kirk's brother, drive Spock
				crazy till doctor slaps him up a bit.

THE PARADISE SYNDROME		Kirk becomes Indian God.

PATTERNS OF FORCE		Troika encounters Nazi Germany.

A PIECE OF THE ACTION		Kirk and Spock encounter Gangland Chicago.

PLATO'S STEPCHILDREN		Troika imprisoned by telekinetic race.

A PRIVATE LITTLE WAR		Feds and Klingons escalate arms race on a 
				small innocent planet.

REQUIEM FOR METHUSELAH		Kirk falls for android.

THE RETURN OF THE ARCHONS	Planet run by computer "Landru".

RETURN TO TOMORROW		Crewmembers become host for disembodied

THE SAVAGE CURTAIN		Good-Guys vs. bad guys, + Lincoln, Surak.

SHORE LEAVE			Super computer enacts fantasies.

SPACE SEED			Prequel to ST2:TWOK.

SPECTRE OF THE GUN		Crew encounter OK corral.

SPOCK'S BRAIN			Spock's brain is hijacked by needy planet.

SQUIRE OF GOTHOS		Crew become guests of longtime earth-observer.

A TASTE OF ARMAGEDDON		Kirk accelerates war between benign planets.

THAT WHICH SURVIVES		Landing party gets stranded , deals with woman
				whose touch means death.

THIS SIDE OF PARADISE		Spores ectasize the crew.

THE THOLIAN WEB			Kirk lost in dimensional rift while Spock
				tries to recover him from Defiant.

TOMORROW IS YESTERDAY		Time travel to 1967, ship is a UFO.

THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES	Fuzzballs invade the ship, eat everything.

TURNABOUT INTRUDER		Woman switches bodies with Kirk. Last episode.

THE ULTIMATE COMPUTER		M5 nearly destroys half of Starfleet.

THE WAY TO EDEN			Crew encounters hippies.

WHAT ARE LITTLE GIRLS MADE OF?	Nurse Chapel find fiance has become an android.

WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE	2nd pilot. Shock turns espers into "Gods".

WHOM GODS DESTROY		Captain Garth plays chameleon.

WHO MOURNS FOR ADONIS?		Apollo tries to get some last minute praise.

WINK OF AN EYE			Ship hijacked by high-speed race.

WOLF IN THE FOLD		Crew encounters Jack the Ripper.