twt@uicsl.UUCP (03/24/84)
#R:ihlts:-39300:uicsl:11600017:000:42 uicsl!twt Mar 23 18:50:00 1984 When???? Where???? How???? (why?) Mary
cbspt005@abnjh.UUCP (05/18/84)
Paramount Home Video will have a Star Trek Video Club sort of arrangement where you will be mailed a card with the month's selection on it, and if you do not send the card back in time, that videotape will automatically be mailed to you. I believe the pricing is $19.95 per episode, and it will take about 6 1/2 years to get all 79 episodes. The start date has not yet been determined. Eric Carter AT&T-IS S.Plainfield,NJ {allegra,ihnp4,akgua,mhuxl,whuxle,u1100a}!abnjh!cbspt005