jad@lanl-a.UUCP (03/28/84)
I just finished watching a most intere- sting episode of The Man From UNCLE. It had (as bad guys) Werner Klemperer and Leonard Nimoy. The former you might remember from Hogan's Heroes, the latter you must know from our favorite show. It also had William Shatner as a good guy.. The title of the show was "The Project Strigas Affair" and was better than average. How many other appearances do people remember? I seem to recall seeing Nimoy in an episode of The Twilight Zone (I think it was The Purple Testament). Post to the net if you know of other intere- sting appearances by Startrek personnel. Zozzles The Freep In the snowy mountains of New Mexico.
smann@ihu1g.UUCP (Sherry Mann) (03/30/84)
The Twilight Zone also starred William Shatner in an episode about a passenger on an airplane who sees a monster on the wing. I didn't see TZ, the movie, but I believe the episode appeared in it.
amigo@iwlc6.UUCP (John Hobson) (04/03/84)
In Stanley Kramer's film JUDGEMENT AT NURNBERG (c. 1960), Shatner plays Spencer Tracy's military aide, a US Army Captain (not named Kirk). John Hobson AT&T Bell Labs--Naperville, IL ihnp4!iwlc6!amigo
jvs@ihu1e.UUCP (John V. Smith) (04/04/84)
<no-blank> There is a very old show called "One Step Beyond" that is sometimes shown on channel 9 (WGN) here in the Chicago Ill. area. I once saw William Shatner in an episode of this show. I don't remember the title, but Shatner played a WW2 german veteran liveing in London England. He owned a little radio and TV repair shop but his sideline was defuseing unexploded bombs whenever they were found (sort of attoneing for Nazi sins). His pregnant wife didn't like this and made him promise to not to do it anymore. One day they found an old type of bomb that no one else had ever seen before. It was in a school or something. Shatner was the only guy that knew anything about that type of bomb so he agreed to try to defuse it. He appently didn't know enough because the thing went off killing him. His wife hears the news and goes into labor. Shatner's ghost (not seen) later appears in the nursery to see his son. It was a good show, one of the few gems of that series. -- Is I is, or is I aint, John V. Smith
dire@dartvax.UUCP (John Macario) (04/05/84)
There was also a Twilight Zone episode in which shatner appeared. He and a woman were getting their car dixed in some god forsaken small town, they ended up spending all day in some diner playing with a fortune telling machine.....I think the Captain spent about $50 in pennies playing with it. -- John Macario UUCP: {decvax|linus|cornell}!dartvax!dire CSNET: dire@dartmouth ARPA: dire%dartmouth@csnet-relay US MAIL: 10 TERRACE VIEW Y7+Lebanon, NH 03766 PHONE:Y7+(603)-448-3095
freund@aecom.UUCP (Larry Freund) (04/05/84)
Recently, I saw a rerun of "VEGAS" where George Takei played the police doctor, I think it was the one where a psycho relives and recreates the Jack The Ripper murders. What struck me as funny was that Takei is about half the size of Robert Urich and the guy who plays Lt. Nelson. He never looked short on ST. Larry Freund {pegasus,philabs,esquire,cucard,rocky2}!aecom!freund "Good information is hard to get. Doing anything with it is even harder." - L. Skywalker
ldl@genix.UUCP (04/05/84)
<> Bill Shatner was in 'Big Bad Mama' with Angie Dickenson (sp?). George Takai (Sulu) was in M*A*S*H (tv series) a couple of times (at least) - early, when Hawkeye traded Henry's desk for some medical supplies - later, North Korean infiltrator seeking supplies 'kidnap' Frank Burns -- -- Spoken: Larry Landis USnail: 5201 Sooner Trail NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 MaBell: (505)-898-9666 USA UUCP: {ucbvax,gatech,convex,pur-ee}!unmvax!genix!ldl
sbg@mhuxr.UUCP (Steven B. Goldsmith) (04/06/84)
I once saw DeForest Kelly in an old "Lone Ranger" episode. He played a young (!) alcoholic doctor (!!) who was being pushed off his land by a wealthy land baron. Its a classic plot. The episode was in grainy black and white and the copyright date after the credits was 1948.
haber@aecom.UUCP (Eli Haber) (04/06/84)
I believe that George Takei appeared in the movie "Walk - Don't Run". Near the end of the movie there was a Japanese police inspector and I'm pretty sure that it was Takei. Eli Haber {pegasus,philabs,cucard,esquire}!aecom!haber
boyajian@akov68.DEC (04/06/84)
One of the more bizarre previous appearances I'd come across (my jaw dropped when I saw it in a rerun about 12 years ago) was an episode of THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. called "The Project Strigas Affair". Both William Shatner *and* Leonard Nimoy guest-starred in it. Shatner played an exterminator (of vermin) and Nimoy, I believe played a foreign military dignitary. Shatner was also in an episode of THE OUTER LIMITS ("Cold Hands, Warm Heart"), playing the first astronaut to Venus, who finds that he can't keep warm enough, regardless of the temperature, once he returns to Earth. He was posses- sed by some alien spirit, if I remember correctly (it wasn't a very good episode so I didn't pay that much attention). Nimoy was in two episodes of TOL. The first was titled "Production and Decay of Strange Particles"; I don't recall what the story was about or what part Nimoy played (I'm not sure that I ever saw this one). The other episode was "I, Robot" (adapted from the Adam Link story of that title by Eando Binder, not the Asimov collection with that title!). --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC Maynard) UUCP: (decvax!decwrl!rhea!akov68!boyajian) ARPA: (decwrl!rhea!akov68!boyajian@Shasta)
johnnyr@ihuxa.UUCP (John R. Rosenberg) (04/06/84)
This one is really old and obscure, and most of the details escape me... William Shatner was commander of a WWII bomber which was shot down in N. Africa. All of the crew went down with the plane except for 1 member. The crash was (apparently) not serious as (apparently) no one was hurt. They spent their time awaiting rescue by straightening up the wreckage and playing baseball. Some time later, the crew member who bailed out returned with a rescue team to find the crash straightened up and no sign of survivors, bodies etc. The idea being that the suposed survivors were dead, ghosts who thought they were still alive. They saw the rescue team coming, but could not contact them, being dead and all. I remember this as being a TV movie at least 10 years ago. Anyone out there in netland remember more details, like title. One thing I'm not clear on is if it were Shatner's character who bailed out, or someone else. John R. Rosenberg AT&T Tech. ihnp4!ihuxa!johnnyr
andrew@orca.UUCP (Andrew Klossner) (04/07/84)
"I once saw DeForest Kelly in an old "Lone Ranger" episode. He played a young (!) alcoholic doctor (!!) who was being pushed off his land by a wealthy land baron." And I once saw DeForest Kelly in an old "Bonanza" episode. I only caught about ten minutes worth, but determined that he was a thirtyish doctor (has he ever done anything else?) languishing in jail after being sentenced to death. Lorne Green wanted him to save someone's life, and DeForest was dickering for, not reprieve, but money for his family. -- Andrew Klossner (decvax!tektronix!orca!andrew) [UUCP] (orca!andrew.tektronix@rand-relay) [ARPA]
freund@aecom.UUCP (Larry Freund) (04/08/84)
I don't think George Takei ever appeared in M*A*S*H. Those two roles mentioned, in the episode w/ Henry's desk & the Frank Burns kidnapping were both played by Robert Ito of "Quincy" fame. Larry Freund {esquire,cucard,rocky2,pegasus,philabs}!aecom!freund
moriarty@uw-june (Jeff Meyer) (04/08/84)
Speaking of Bonanza, ever see the one about the drought with James Doohan and Majel Barett as ranchers looking for water? One of the few good ones... might be interesting to see if Gene Roddenberry wrote the script (a hint seems to remind me he did). Trivia Is My Business | Currently residing in | UUCP: -jwm- | {ihnp4|decvax|tektronix}!uw-beaver!uw-june!moriarty | ARPANET: AKA MORIARTY | moriarty@washington
milan@psddevl.UUCP (Milan Strnad) (04/09/84)
A couple months ago, while drinking warm beer and eating left over pizza, I saw William Shatner portray a dual role in a Western TV movie. Now this was at 2 in the morning, so the details are somewhat sketchy. Shatner (in this movie) has a twin brother who is an Indian. The Indian Shatner is like the bad side of Kirk in one of the St episodes. Well, the good Shatner is going after his twin brother to settle things. He is an excellent shot. He nearly gets mangled in one of the towns, 'cause the people there think he is his Indian brother. All in all, the performance was quite good, and Shatner outdid himself in playing the two roles. He was quite young here, probably 28 or so. That implies the movie was made sometime in the early sixties. milan (..{utzoo dciem}!psddevl!milan)
ray@utcsrgv.UUCP (Raymond Allen) (04/09/84)
<beat it, eat it, defeat it> I once saw George Takei in an episode of "Baa Baa Black Sheep" (later renamed "Black Sheep Squadron"). He played the role of an "expert" of American affairs who was sent along as an observer with a landing force (Japanese) that captured the island that the squadron used as a base. If I remember correctly, the reason for the invasion was that Gen. McArthur was supposed to visit the base and they wanted to capture him. From the trivia table of: Ray Allen utcsrgv!ray (416) 978-5036
esj@ihuxl.UUCP (Natty Dread ) (04/10/84)
If you check the "Silver Screen" supplement to the game "Trivial Pursuits", you'll find that Leonard Nimoy played an alien in the 1952 classicAstrozombies of the Stratosphere" (or something like that). Woof. -- "Moe! Larry! Cheese! Moe! Larry! Cheese!" ihnp4!ihuxl!esj
woods@hao.UUCP (Greg Woods) (04/10/84)
I recall Shatner in an episode of "Gunsmoke" as well. I think he played an outlaw that good ol' Marshall Matt was trying to bring in. -- {ucbvax!hplabs | allegra!nbires | decvax!stcvax | harpo!seismo | ihnp4!stcvax} !hao!woods
ishizaki@saturn.UUCP (Audrey Ishizaki) (04/10/84)
I remember this film - I believe it was called "The Sole Survivor". The survivor was Richard Basehart (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea). The airplane was going to crash, and he panicked (somewhen informing the rest of the crew that they were over ocean) and bailed out. The ship crashed in the desert; the rest of the crew had bailed out thinking they were over water (so were in a life-raft). They were there for years (but they only thought it was a short time) as ghosts, until their bodies were found and 'put to rest'. Funny, I don't remember William Shatner in the movie. Audrey Ishizaki hplabs!ishizaki
dand@tekigm.UUCP (Dan C. Duval) (04/10/84)
George Takei also appeared with John Wayne and David Jansen in the Green Berets, which also featured the actor that played Rael in the episode of the Skalosian water which was the finest speed in the universe. As an aside, the lady that played Dealla in that same ST episode has appeared in Perry Mason, Bonanza, and Maverick, along with other syndicated shows I've seen but can't for the life of me name. Ooops, one I've just remembered is Mr.Lucky (a plug is appropriate here for the Ross Martin fan club). Dan C Duval ISI Engineering Tektronix, Inc tektronix!tekigm!dand
jvs@ihu1e.UUCP (John V. Smith) (04/10/84)
<no-blank> Now that I think about it (and since someone mentiond Gunsmoke) I remember seeing William Shatner in an episode of "The Big Valley" (featureing a very young and foxey Linda Evans). I don't remember character's names from this show very well, I was not a regular viewer, but Shatner played an old friend of the brother who was a lawyer. Shatner was supposedly just passing through but he was really mixed up in a plot to rob the local bank (I think they were going to replace the stolen money with counterfit money, but I'm not sure). Anyway, Shatner has second thoughts in the end and turns on the other bad guys, proveing he's really a good guy after all, but also getting killed for his troubles. Funny, it seems that in all of Shatner's previous appearences that I have seen, he usually ends up dead. By the way, I also remember seeing Deforst (sp) Kelly (McCoy) in a forgetable western movie once about Wyett Earp. No, I don't remember the title, but Kelly played one of Wyett's brothers. Now that I think about it, this might of been "Gunfight At OK Corral", which wasn't really that bad after all. But I'm not real sure so can anyone verify this? -- Is I is, or is I aint, John V. Smith
johnnyr@ihuxa.UUCP (John R. Rosenberg) (04/11/84)
I'm not sure that the movie I remember was titles 'Sole Survivor.' As I said in the original posting, it was a long time ago. One thing I am sure about is that William Shatner *was* in the film. I remember this because it was the major reason I watched it. Being a young (~10) impressionable, rabid Star Trek fan I wanted to see Capt. Kirk in whatever film it was. Let's keep this discussion going and figure it out! John R. Rosenberg ihnp4!ihuxa!johnnyr
alle@ihuxb.UUCP (Allen England) (04/11/84)
+ William Shatner was also in a film titled "White Commanche". He played a dual role. One was a Commanche Indian (hence the title) and the other was a cowboy accused of the crimes of the former. Allen ihnp4!ihuxb!alle
dak@ihuxn.UUCP (Dave Krunnfusz) (04/11/84)
Not having followed this discussion until recently, this previous appearance may have been discussed all ready so I'll keep it short. William Shantner appeared in an episode of the Twilight Zone in which he and his wife a forced to layover in a small town because of car problems. They go to the local coffee shop and WS begins popping pennies into a fortune telling machine at their table. The fortunes appear to be coming true, and though his wife suggests he stop, WS begins to believe in the machines ability to foretell the future that he becomes obsessed with it. All in all, a rather interesting show.
snafu@ihuxi.UUCP (Dave Wallis) (04/11/84)
Did anybody see William Shatner and Angie Dickenson as gangsters in the movie "Big Bad Momma"? (They were REAL friendly!). -- Dave Wallis ihnp4!ihuxi!snafu AT&T Technologies, Inc. (312) 979-5894
cmaz504@ut-ngp.UUCP (04/11/84)
There was also George Takei's appearance in "The Green Berets" and Nimoy's role in Mission Impossible after Martin Landau left. The best place to find lots of old startrek actors in non-startrek roles may in fact be some of the old Mission Impossible episodes. Last year in the bay area one of the stations was running these (before Peter Graves was in them) and I noticed lots of the same actors (including the actress that played the Romulan commander and a whoever did Koloth). In restrospect this probably isn't too surprising since both shows were Desilu productions.
hitchens@ut-sally.UUCP (Ron Hitchens) (04/13/84)
(beam this bug up, Scottie) Nichelle Nichols once made an appearance in a men's skin-mag a few years ago. I saw it on a news stand (while browsing thru Time and Newsweek :-)), I don't remember which magazine it was, not a well known one I'm sure. I got the impression the pictures were fairly old and had been dug out of some archives somewhere, although there was an 'interview' with her. It was a long time ago, that's all I remember. Ron Hitchens (Open the pod bay doors...whoops, wrong group...Beam me up Scotty)
margaret@asgb.UUCP (04/13/84)
<Beam me up Scotty- the line eater is after me!> Another obscure appearance by William Shatner was in the Boris Karloff "Thriller" mystery series. The title was "The Grim Reaper." Shatner played a young man whose rich and aging aunt had purchased a painting of the Grim Reaper. The legend of the portrait was that it brought bad luck to its owners. Shatner's character, being the greedy sort, did away with his aunt, and all of the other heirs to her fortune. After the last murder, his girl friend realized what was going on. She runs to get the police. He goes into the study where the portrait is hanging to get a drink. The door slams shut, and locks. You see a look of pure terror on Shatner's face. (The lighting and look on Shatner's face is almost identical to that showing Kirk's "dark" side in the confrontation between the two Kirks in "The Enemy Within".) The scene progresses something like this: Sound from the other side of the room: "Swish, swish, swish" Shatner: "No, NO!" "Swish, swish, swish" "No, NOT THAT!" "Swish,swish, SWISH" "AARGH!!!!" At which point, they cut to the girl friend and the police arriving. They break down the door to the study, and enter. "Oh my God, look at that!" They look towards where the body presumably lies (the body is not shown), and point to the portrait on the wall. The Grim Reaper is smiling, and there is blood dripping down the wall from his scythe. A definite thriller, and a good piece of acting on Shatner's part. For several weeks after seeing this one, I kept hearing "Swish, swish, swish"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Live long and Prosper! Margaret Brown Burroughs ASG Boulder, Colo 303-530-3905 ...sdcrdcf!bmcg!asgb!margaret
gam@proper.UUCP (Gordon Moffett) (04/14/84)
[ I have a relatively large library ...] From "The Film Encyclopedia" by Ephraim Katz (Perigee Books, 1979): "William Shatner. Actor. Born on Mar 22, 1931 in Montreal, Canada. ed McGill.... Films include: The Brothers Karamazov (as Alexei Karamazov) 1958; Judgment at Nuremberg, The Explosive Generation 1961; The Intruder 1962; The Outrage 1964; Hour of Vengeance (Italian) 1968; Big Bad Mama, Dead of Night 1974; The Devil's Rain, Impulse 1975; A Whale of a Time, Kingdom of the Spiders 1977; The Third Walker (Canadian) 1978; [and of course] ST-TMP 1979." "Leonard Nimoy. Actor. Born on Mar 26, 1931, in Boston. ed Boston College; Antioch College.... Films include: Queen for a Day, Rhubarb 1951; Kid Monk Baron, Francis Goes to West Point [!] 1952; Old Overland Trail 1953; Satan's Satellites [remember that one?] 1958; The Balcony 1963; Deathwatch (also co-produced) 1966; Valley of Mystery 1967; Catlow 1971; Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978; ST-TMP 1979." There were no listings for DeForrest Kelley or George Takai.
ks@astrovax.UUCP (Karl Stapelfeldt) (04/14/84)
How about that mid-70's TV movie "The Horror at 37,000 Feet"? Shatner is aboard a trans-Atlantic 747 carrying relics plundered from some Stonehenge- like witches lair. The trip is occuring on midsummer night's eve, and the spirits become restless and takeover the aft section of the plane. Something motivates Shatner to confront them. He scares them off (with the help of the coming sunrise); but the movie ends with him falling out the tail to his doom. A real turkey.
wbpesch@ihuxp.UUCP (Walt Pesch) (04/15/84)
Hopefully someone will be able to fill this out for me, but I remember the Captain playing a man dominated by his mother in one of the Outer Limits or something like that. The story is that he is rich (as in his mother is) and he is travelling in Europe. He meets a girl that gets him to propose, only that his mother does not want him to get married. The Captain ends up pushing his fiancee off a cliff because of his mother's disapproval. Quite a change of pace to see the Captain as a simpering wimp. Still waiting for the bolt from the skies, Walt Pesch AT&T Technologies ihnp4!ihuxp!wbpesch
simpers@ucbvax.UUCP (Scott Simpers) (04/15/84)
Don't forget that William Shatner starred in the short-lived series "Barbary Coast" in the early to mid 70's.
schris@ubvax.UUCP (Chris Salander) (04/17/84)
I recently saw a real bad movie on cable TV that featured James Doohan and William Campbell (Squire of Gothos and Capt. Koloth). It was set in a S. California High School in the mid-60's and featured Rock Hudson, Angie Dickenson, and Telly Sevalas. RH was seducing and killing the prettiest girls on campus. James Doohan was a police detective who was assisting TS (the primary detective) in the murder investigation. William Campbell was the inept local sheriff who could not even direct traffic correctly. The movie was written and produced by Gene Roddenberry. Also, the "Making of Star Trek" says that Roddenberry met Leonard Nimoy when he made a guest appearance on Roddenberry's TV series "The Lieutenant". GR decided then that he wanted to cast Nimoy as an alien. .
nglasser@yale-comix.UUCP (Nathan Glasser) (04/20/84)
I too saw the movie with Rock Hudson a month or two ago on Showtime. It was called "Pretty Maids All in a Row." Nathan Glasser ..decvax!yale-comix!nglasser
seth@hp-pcd.UUCP (04/30/84)
We recall seeing DeForest Kelley in a few westerns, including the Lone Ranger, and maybe or Bonanza or the Big Valley. --Seth & Rose Alford hp-pcd!seth Corvallis OR
carmine@qusavx.UUCP (Carmine Scavo) (06/06/84)
I dunno if this has been mentioned yet but I saw an old 'Twilight Zone' episode last night that starred William Shatner. The show must have taken place in the 1957 - 1959 time period since there sure seemed to be a lot of late 50's Fords driving around. Shatner played the husband in a couple-on-a-honeymoon story where the couple was travelling from St. Louis to NY. They stopped in a small town outside of Dayton, OH because their car had broken down. The plot involved a penny fortune-telling machine which began predicting their future. I dunno the female-lead's name as our local re-run station cuts off the credits to broadcast a 5-minute news wrap-up. I DO know one thing: William Shatner SURE was a lot thinner in those days!!
rcook@uiucuxc.UUCP (06/09/84)
#R:qusavx:-18900:uiucuxc:19800021:000:119 uiucuxc!rcook Jun 9 09:57:00 1984 He also appeared in another Twilight Zone as a scared person on a flight. The title of the episode was "The Gremlin".