[net.startrek] Finding Flaws with ST

alb@alice.UUCP (Adam L. Buchsbaum) (06/10/84)

Many people have commented that to find flaws with the
movies takes the fun out of watching them, and that if
we pulled the TV shows out from the closet, we'd just
find more flaws in them so why bother.

Finding flaws is fun if you have the right attitude about
it.  If you are looking for them with the hey-here's-another-
idiotic-flaw-in-the-movie-thus-the-movie-sucks attitude,
then that takes the fun out of the movie, as was pointed
out.  However, I don't (and from what I've seen, neither
has anyone else that has posted flaws to the net) let the
mistakes take away from the movie.  I liked the movie just
the same.  Finding flaws lets me feel involved and more a
part of the ST world; gives me a sense of the history and
'lore' behind ST.