[net.startrek] misc

josie@ihuxw.UUCP (Johanna Clementz) (07/01/84)

I agree with those of you who have written that
Star Trek is about people not spaceships; perhaps
a Klingon/Federation war in ST4 WOULD turn in to
a remake of Star Wars.

A note about the Vulcan temple scene;
I, too, had trouble accepting the logic 
of the Vulcan Maidens, and T'Lar's Ruby Red lipstick.
Is all of that logical?

But tradition is not necessarily logical; even
for Vulcans! I imagine all of the rituals on Mt. Seyela
have been around "since the beginning", unchanged.

I have often wondered what type of "religion"
Vulcans have, if any. Any ideas?

"I'll be gettin' back to my machines noo"

					Josie Clementz