[net.startrek] other appeanances

md@ncsu.UUCP ( ) (10/06/84)

Diana Mulduar played on atleast 2 Star Trek shows that I know of:
  1)  She was the 'translator' or something for the Medusan (sp) creature
      that brought the Enterprise back to the 'energy zone at the edge of the
  2)  She was one of the crew-persons who were possessed by the three survivors
      of the planet that destroyed itself.  (the episode where kirk and 
      mulduar kissed one last time)

Now I have a question, is the keeper of the planet that is going to have
its sun go nova (there were several shows) and where the inhabitants of the
planet go back to their past, is that man Hirsch on WKRP in Cincinatti (sp) ?

   reply by mail, this is my first time at net.startrek

   Mike Davis