[net.startrek] ENOUGH "More Appearances!"

bill@hppsd1.UUCP (bill) (10/25/84)

[Cap'n, yon dread line-eater is approachin'!]

I would like to suggest two reference works (that quite a few people already
seem to have) that might ease the postings of "Son of the bride of still
more appearances."  

_The_Star_Trek_Concordance_, by Bjo Trimble (Ballentine, but I think it's
out of print) list show synopses and the actors who are listed in the

_The_Star_Trek_Compendium_, by Allan Asherman (Pocket, methinks), lists more
of the history of the shows, plus more of the backgrounds of the actors

There are other references I'd recommend, but only these two really tell
about who was there.

Bill Turner