[net.startrek] Hand-weapons

yosh@hou2e.UUCP (M.CHING) (10/17/84)

A question folks:

	What was Starfleet's regulation handgun before the Phaser ???

			Dave Bloom
			Somewhere in Holmdel...

slf@teddy.UUCP (Scott Fisher) (10/19/84)

>A question folks:
>	What was Starfleet's regulation handgun before the Phaser ???

>			Dave Bloom
>			Somewhere in Holmdel...

Answer: A Phaser. There were two versions of the Phaser. One was 
	shaped like a pistol and the other looked more like a 

raiche@dartvax.UUCP (George A. Raiche) (10/22/84)

> A question folks:
> 	What was Starfleet's regulation handgun before the Phaser ???
> 			Dave Bloom
> 			Somewhere in Holmdel...

Wasn't it the hand laser that Pike threatened the Talosian with in
"Menagerie",  and that Crater wielded in "Man Trap"?

				George Raiche
				Dept. of Chemistry

jimc@haddock.UUCP (10/23/84)

There was more than that -- very bulky looking pistols which I THINK
were lasers were used in "The Cage", and they might also have been used
in "Where No Man Has Gone Before".

frdish@aecom.UUCP (Larry Freund) (10/24/84)

> A question folks:
> 	What was Starfleet's regulation handgun before the Phaser ???
> 			Dave Bloom
> 			Somewhere in Holmdel...

the laser as used in "The Cage"

		"It's either believe that, or else believe we're 
		 only characters in a series of stories being 
		 written by a couple of hacks who need the money."

Larry Freund
UUCP: {cucard,philabs,pegasus,esquire,rocky2,ihnp4}!aecom!frdish

bsa@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon Allbery) (10/24/84)

> Article <>, from slf@teddy.UUCP (Scott Fisher)
| >A question folks:
| >	What was Starfleet's regulation handgun before the Phaser ???
| >			Dave Bloom
| Answer: A Phaser. There were two versions of the Phaser. One was 
| 	shaped like a pistol and the other looked more like a 
| 	comunicator.
|                                                         Scott
|                                                 decvax!genrad!teddy!slf

Who really knows?  They were using phasers in Menagerie (The Cage), if
you'll remember (they tried to blow a hole in the mountain after the
Talosians took Capt. Pike with a phaser cannon, etc.).

The two kinds of phasers were really ONE kind of phaser, according to
the Starfleet Technical Manual -- the small "communicator"-like one was
the actual phaser (`Type I') and the Type II mount [sic] was a handle
for the Type I phaser, along with a dilithium-based intensifier of the
phaser's output.

  Brandon Allbery @ North Coast Xenix  |   the.world!ucbvax!decvax!cwruecmp!
6504 Chestnut Road, Independence, Ohio |       {atvax!}ncoast!{tdi1!}bsa
   (216) 524-1416             \ 44131  | E1439@CSUOHIO.BITNET (friend's acct.)
			`Confusion is my natural state.'

yosh@hou2e.UUCP (M.CHING) (10/30/84)

The answer to the question I posted asking what the official hand-weapon of
Starfleet was before the phaser is:

			The Laser.

For you folks who mailed me insisting that it was a phaser used in
"The cage", I say look again.......

					Dave Bloom
					Holmdel, NJ

avolio@grendel.UUCP (Frederick M. Avolio) (11/05/84)

> The answer to the question I posted asking what the official hand-weapon of
> Starfleet was before the phaser is:
> 			The Laser.
> For you folks who mailed me insisting that it was a phaser used in
> "The cage", I say look again.......

Not only "look" but *liston*.  The cannon used to blast through the
protective stuff (well???) on the "elevator shaft" was a laser-cannon.
They describe it as such and describe the hand weapons as such throughout
that episode.
Fred Avolio, DEC -- U{LTR,N}IX Support
301/731-4100 x4227
UUCP:  {seismo,decvax}!grendel!avolio
ARPA:  grendel!avolio@seismo