[net.startrek] A new question

drennan@nybcb.UUCP (drennan) (11/05/84)

	A friend of mine and I were talking about this the other day.
Since everyone is in agreement that anything over warp 1 is faster than
the speed of light, how was the Enterprise ever able to battle other ships
at warp speeds?  Or did they always engage other ships at sub light speeds?

	Please post some answers.  We can't get to sleep at night.

						Jim Drennan
						New York Blood Center

raiche@dartvax.UUCP (George A. Raiche) (11/09/84)

> 	A friend of mine and I were talking about this the other day.
> Since everyone is in agreement that anything over warp 1 is faster than
> the speed of light, how was the Enterprise ever able to battle other ships
> at warp speeds?  Or did they always engage other ships at sub light speeds?
> 	Please post some answers.  We can't get to sleep at night.
> 						Jim Drennan
> 						New York Blood Center
> 						..seismo!cmcl2!nybcb!drennan

That's a good question.  Assuming that the particle/photons of a phaser
cannot propagate faster than the speed of light, one would not expect
phasers to be effective at hyperlight speed.  However, you will recall
that in "The Ultimate Computer" Enterprise engaged Lexington, Hood (?), and
Potemkin at speeds of warp three and four with phaser fire. (I believe
Potemkin was destroyed.) This should not have been possible.  We also know
that it is desireable to engage enemies at warp speed rather than sublight
(recall in "Elaan of Troius" how the Klingons harassed Enterprise until the
warp drive was restored) so it appears that we have a fundamental inconsistency.
One way around this would be to use photon torpedoes--presumably a torp
could contain a hyper-field generator as well as a warhead, and could therefore
exceed the speed of light (and of the ship).
	Did you ever wonder why, in "Balance of Terror" when the Romulans
squeeze off a plasma bolt, that Enterprise tried to escape by backing
straight away (rather than manuevering off at a right angle)?  One assumes
that a plasma bolt can't be guided after launch, and certainly cannot attain
hyper-light speeds.
	Also, the whole problem of attempting rendezvous ( i.e. targeting)
in multidimensional space is ignored here.  Maybe it is possible to use
phasers against another ship moving AT THE SAME WARP SPEED.
	One other inconsistency associated with phasers.  We saw several
times (in "Arena" [with the Gorn] for example) that one cannot beam up or
down with the deflectors up.  Deflectors also stop phasers.  So how does
Enterprise fire phasers when the screens are up???
	Sorry for harping on this, but my area of research is laser-induced

				George Raiche
				Dept. of Chemistry

				"Let's get the hell out of here."

dave@ur-valhalla.UUCP (Dave Carlson) (11/09/84)

One might suppose that if two starships were traveling at warp speed
engaged one another in battle that the light of the phasors might be
able to "hop" over the gravity wave "wake" that precedes a warping 
ship in much the same way that the starship itself travels.

(It remains how then would a ship fire laterally since the gravity
waves would be at the front of the ship?)

Dave Carlson


paul@wjvax.UUCP (Paul Summers) (11/20/84)

There is, of course, a simple explanation as to why phasers can be fired
through the screens.  It is related to the way that the old WWI biplanes
could shoot their machine guns through their propellers.  It is simply a
matter of proper phasing.  You can't use the transporter through the shields
because the transporter 'signal' is substaintialy more complex than a simple
energy blast.


Paul Summers
Watkins Johnson, Co.
2525 N. First St.
San Jose, Ca.  95131-1097

(408) 262-1411 x3203


Working is fine, but I wouldn't want to make a career out of it.

bryan@uiucdcsp.UUCP (11/20/84)

I have too also wondered how starship combat can occur between ships with
warp power.  If combat can not go on at warp speeds what stops a ship from
leaving an encounter with unfriendlys at warp speed to run away and fight
another day   (assuming its warp enginees are operatable).

If warp combat is possible one would believe that it must be done at the same
warp factor for applying the standard formula v=w^3*c a difference by one
factor between two ships is approx. 3*w^2*c which for warp factor say 6 is
 108*c   ===>  there is only a short moment that the two ships are close
enough to each other to have combat.

other opinions ????

-rob bryan

univ of illinois


mike@smu.UUCP (11/20/84)

Queen of the fast people and the green stuff shoots out like lime

Mike McNally

zubbie@wlcrjs.UUCP (Jeanette Zobjeck) (11/27/84)

Since the phasor beem is limited in its speed of propogation to the speed
of light one can only assume that as with any weapon fired from a moving
point at another moving point one would aim for a place where the target
would be when the beam arrived at that point.
sort of like tossing a pop can out the window of a moving car trying to hit
a passing garbage truck. The beam is straight only because we are viewing it
from a relativistic viepoint. If youwere watching from exactly behind the
point of projection the beam would appear to twist wiggle and curve
wildly on its way and you would wonder if the saki supply was getting
lower with each pasing shot.
jeanette zobjeck

Scot Here: Aye they're aboard and what a motly crew they are sir.

zubbie@wlcrjs.UUCP (Jeanette Zobjeck) (11/27/84)

In order to fire thru the deflectors one of two conditions must exist:

1)	The deflector sheilds are one way force fields, kind of an 
electronic (gravitic) half-silvered mirror.

2)	As with the spin-dizzy of Cities In Flight New York in flight
the field is not on constantly so that firing thru it means only that your
beam must be synced with the times when the deflector shield/ spin-dizzy field
is not active. It would be assumed also that were the deflectors turned on
constantly the enterprise might find itself blined by its own protective devices
and become a large shiny sphere in the heavens.
jeanette L. Zobjeck

msj@gitpyr.UUCP (Mike St. Johns) (11/28/84)

In article <> zubbie@wlcrjs.UUCP (Jeanette Zobjeck) writes:
>Since the phasor beem is limited in its speed of propogation to the speed
>of light one can only assume that as with any weapon fired from a moving
>point at another moving point one would aim for a place where the target
>would be when the beam arrived at that point.

>jeanette zobjeck

The phasor beam is a warp based device.  (It power source is the warp
engines and the dilithium crystals)  It propogates at a multiple of light
speed. The photon torpedoes are also a warp device.  The  reason that we can
see either when they fire is that the view screens convert the
multi-lightspeed view into something we can handle.  (It has to, we couldn't
see the stars otherwise, they would red shift right out of existence when
the ship passed warp 1.) Mike

Mike St. Johns
Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332

rene@tove.UUCP (Rene Steiner) (11/28/84)

> 	A friend of mine and I were talking about this the other day.
> Since everyone is in agreement that anything over warp 1 is faster than
> the speed of light, how was the Enterprise ever able to battle other ships
> at warp speeds?  Or did they always engage other ships at sub light speeds?

I've always been really impressed with the dogfights that go on. One
of my favorite instances is in "Journey to Babel" (I think), where the
enterprise can't go into warp speed because of some sabatage down by
some character pretending to be an andorian or something. ANYway, the
alien ship is attacking at warp 10 (it's a suicide ship and uses all
it's power for speed and weapons). Kirk's lines go something like

"Hold on... watch it... " (the ship approaches)
"Here she comes ... alright, NOW! PIVOT! FIRE!!!!"

Come on! One ship going at sublight, the other at warp 10 (by the
formula recently discussed, that's 1000 times the speed of light!) -
yet the slower one waits for the other ship and pivots as it passes?
I don't think it's possible for two warp speed ships to fight (well,
maybe if they were going exactly the same speed); the speed
differential is just too great.

Refering to the discussion about "Wink of an Eye" ... I've always been
amused by the fact that light CRAWLS for them. They're not THAT fast,
or are they speeded up to warp speed? How do they see? 

Also, I noticed that the time flow was wrong. The sped-up people would
do something, with some non-sped-up person standing around, then it
would switch to the slow action (which should have been DAYS for the
fast people, yet the action picked up where it left off), then back
and that person was STILL STANDING THERE!!!! Later, (but not enough
later) that person might be gone. I think continuity had problems with
this one.

One last real gripe (I mean, all ST episodes had problems - it was
great anyway): I flipped through the comic book on STIII. When Kirk
beams down to the genesis planet to find his son dead, first Saavik
falls into his arms saying something like "I'm so glad you're here",
and Kirk replies "It's ok now" and holds her for a moment. GAHHH!
I thought it was bad enough that Saavik was so non-active in the movie
(you could argue that she felt taking care of young Spock was more
important than going after the Klingons rather than sending a
non-military inexperienced scientist - I don't buy it, but you COULD
argue that), but here!!!!! And to think I was actually tempted to buy
it! BAHHH!

					- rene

My opinions are my own, and no one can take them away from me!!!

raiche@dartvax.UUCP (George A. Raiche) (12/01/84)

> In order to fire thru the deflectors one of two conditions must exist:
> 1)	The deflector sheilds are one way force fields, kind of an 
> electronic (gravitic) half-silvered mirror.


This might be a good time for a "Phasers vs Deflectors and Interstellar
Multidimensional Warfare" review article.  Unfortunately this is finals
time at Dartmouth.  Maybe in a few days...

But I couldn't let this pass.  A one-way mirror is only one-way if you're
on the dark side of the mirror.  Picture a one-way mirror separating
witnesses from suspects on any police show.  Recall that the witness is
always sitting in the dark, while the crooks are well-lighted.  Now if suddenly
the lights in the crook's room went out and the lights in the witness' room
came on, the witness would fimd him/herself staring at his/her own reflection
in that mirror, while the crook would be memorizing the stoolie's face.

Now imagine that instead of a crook, it's a Klingon battle cruiser.  He'd be
firing at you (sitting behind the one-way mirror) but his photons are
just bouncing off your mirror. (But what happens to the momentum of the
photons?)  Then with a smile on your face you'd lift your zillion-watt phaser
to your shoulder, aim at the Klingon through the mirror, and fire.

Ten nanoseconds later, you'd wish you hadn't done that.

				George Raiche
				Dept. of Chemistry

				"I believe that is the recommended
				 amount, Captain."

zubbie@wlcrjs.UUCP (Jeanette Zobjeck) (12/08/84)

True the phasor is based on warp technology but the propogation rate is
still limited by the speed of light. 
In one episode (can't rember the name but its where Jim gets sped up
by a group of people who live at a time rate faster than ours) we see that
the phasor beam travels at a mere crawl compared to the energy weapon used
by the heavies. Since all thru the episode the conversations of the people
who are living faster still can be detected (as the sound of an insect)
by normal people we have a definite statement that the speed of light
is not violated.
jeanette zobjeck
....but Jim, they called the Enterprise a "GARBAGE SCOW"

jin@hplabs.UUCP (Tai Jin) (12/11/84)

> True the phasor is based on warp technology but the propogation rate is
> still limited by the speed of light. 
> In one episode (can't rember the name but its where Jim gets sped up
> by a group of people who live at a time rate faster than ours) we see that
> the phasor beam travels at a mere crawl compared to the energy weapon used
> by the heavies. Since all thru the episode the conversations of the people
> who are living faster still can be detected (as the sound of an insect)
> by normal people we have a definite statement that the speed of light
> is not violated.
> jeanette zobjeck
> ihnp4!wlcrjs!zubbie
> ....but Jim, they called the Enterprise a "GARBAGE SCOW"
*but that would make ship to ship phasers useless.  there's obviously an