[net.startrek] Re : I Mudd

dxm@lanl.ARPA (04/18/85)

    a "strange loop" by Douglas Hofstatder, who wrote a *very* good 
    book called _Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid_ that 
    discusses such things in depth.  It is very readable, and utterly
    fascinating ( couldn't resist a plug here, I love this book ).
    Anyway, it turns out that you need a meta-language to handle
    paradoxes; that is, a language that refers to the language in
    which the paradox exists.  Of course, paradoxes in the meta-
    language are resolved with meta-meta-languages, etc.

                                          Doug Miller

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Los Alamos National Laboratory,  P.O.B 1663 MS J960,  Los Alamos, NM 87545