[net.startrek] Missing Persons

morgan@h-sc1.UUCP (windsor morgan) (07/24/85)

	The other day I saw for the first time the ST episode
'The Lights of Zetar,' in which Mr. Scott falls heavily for whom I 
believe was a new ship's historian, Lt. Mira Romaine. Her 
body was taken over by the Lights, and of course I thought 
she was a goner (these men are married to their ship, not just
any woman), but lo and behold, she was alive at the end of the
episode! The episode was near the end of the ST run, and I have
never seen her in any episode after that one to the best of my knowledge,
and I am pretty sure that she was not in any of the movies. Am I 
correct or did she show up again?