[net.startrek] Favorite Lines? Landru!...

rjnoe@riccb.UUCP (Roger J. Noe) (09/20/85)

> I guess second place might be when Kirk says something to the effect
> "try one of those red pills; they really knock you out!"
> hplabs!follmer

That line is from an early Star Trek episode, "The Man Trap".  McCoy remarks
to Kirk something about being tired.  Kirk responds, "Take one of those
little blue [?] pills you gave me [at some time previously] - you'll sleep."
And McCoy does indeed pick up the bottle in his cabin.  He must have been
an addict.

The Landru episode is titled, "Return of the Archons".
Roger Noe			ihnp4!riccb!rjnoe

raiche@dartvax.UUCP (George A. Raiche) (09/25/85)

> That line is from an early Star Trek episode, "The Man Trap".  McCoy remarks
> to Kirk something about being tired.  Kirk responds, "Take one of those
> little blue [?] pills you gave me [at some time previously] - you'll sleep."
> And McCoy does indeed pick up the bottle in his cabin.  He must have been
> an addict.
> The Landru episode is titled, "Return of the Archons".
> --
> Roger Noe			ihnp4!riccb!rjnoe


The pills are RED.  Kirk says so, and we see McCoy holding the bottle.

rjnoe@riccb.UUCP (Roger J. Noe) (09/25/85)

> The pills are RED.  Kirk says so, and we see McCoy holding the bottle.

Too bad I didn't have a color TV back in 1968 (or 1969, or 1970, or ...)
"It's only by NOT taking the human race seriously that I retain what
 fragments of my once considerable mental powers I still possess!"
	Roger Noe			ihnp4!riccb!rjnoe