en120ao@unm-la.UUCP (10/15/85)
To whom it may consern. The following ranks are true for Star Trek up to ST:TMP. | | Ensign | | no braids. | | | | Lieutenant |*************| one braid. | | | | Lt. commander | ** ** ** *| one and one half braid. | | |*************| | | | | Commander |*************| two braids. | | |*************| | | | | |*************| | | Captian | ** ** ** *| two and one half braids. | | |*************| | | | | (This is the one that caused all the |*************| the confusion.) | | Commodre |*************| three braids. | | |*************| | | | | (There is only a little space between |*************| brades on this one. Admiral |*************| |*************| four braids. |*************| | | The confusion is between what is an admaral and what is a Commadore. The Commadore is command of a task force or a starbase. and can also be in command of a single starship ( as in Doomsday Machine.) The insigna are different. The confusion is caused by the how similer the bands look. We are all used to seeing Kirk with his Captian Braids. In ST:TMP the production staff had a problem with how the rank goes. The problem was with transporter chief Rand. It was desided that chiefs will not have any bands. ( See the Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.) Hope this through some insight into a long and troubleing problem. Favorite line: Child from the story Miri; 'Teachers say,"BLE,BLE BLE!!"' Mike P