[net.startrek] Romulans or Klingons ??

dwyer@inmet.UUCP (10/28/85)

What is the relationship between Romulans and Klingons?

I recall in series-episodes that romulan ships were called
'Romulan bird of prey' and they had the cloaking device.
In 'Search for Spock' Kirk calls it a 'Klingon bird of prey'
and it has the cloaking device.

Have they joined forces?
Do they have a common ancestry (do the vulcans fit in there anywhere)?



quint@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Amqueue) (10/31/85)

In article <8500031@inmet.UUCP> dwyer@inmet.UUCP writes:
>What is the relationship between Romulans and Klingons?
>I recall in series-episodes that romulan ships were called
>'Romulan bird of prey' and they had the cloaking device.
>In 'Search for Spock' Kirk calls it a 'Klingon bird of prey'
>and it has the cloaking device.
>Have they joined forces?
>Do they have a common ancestry (do the vulcans fit in there anywhere)?

You seem to have missed some episodes. Romulans and Vulcans were once
the same race. Before Vulcans bacame logical, some of their people were
taken by the Protectors (? no relation to niven, I may be wrong on the
terminology) elsewhere. This race became the Romulans. I believe this 
is talked about in The Enterprise Incident... maybe Balance of Terror.

In Balance of Terror, the Romulans had Birds of Prey. In the Enterprise
Incident, the Romulan ship looked like the Klingon ships... they have 
joined forces and are exchanging technology. The Bird of Prey makes a 
great scout ship.

Some of this information may be from Spockanalias, or the Blish 
novelizations... most of it is mixed in my brain...

Die Young and Be Sterile

ccrdave@ucdavis.UUCP (Lord Kahless) (11/01/85)

> What is the relationship between Romulans and Klingons?
The Klingon Empire sold the Romulans some D6 cruisers for
certain classified pieces of information, as well as negotiables.
You see, the Romulans didn't have warp drive.
> Have they joined forces?


> Do they have a common ancestry (do the vulcans fit in there anywhere)?

Don't be insulting.

		Lord Kahless

jody@inuxd.UUCP (JoLinda Ross) (11/02/85)

> What is the relationship between Romulans and Klingons?
> I recall in series-episodes that romulan ships were called
> 'Romulan bird of prey' and they had the cloaking device.
> In 'Search for Spock' Kirk calls it a 'Klingon bird of prey'
> and it has the cloaking device.
> Have they joined forces?
> Do they have a common ancestry (do the vulcans fit in there anywhere)?
> thanks
> -matt

I can't give you an episode, but I remember a someone saying that
the Romulans and Klingons had a trading pack or technology exchange
or something like that, which was the reason the ships were simular.
I think the episode may be the one when the Romulans are first
introduced, but I am not sure.  I am sure the series told of the
conection between the two.


john@hp-pcd.UUCP (john) (11/05/85)


  You don't suppose that the Klingons designed their scout ships 
so that if they were observed in Federation space that the
Romulans would get the blame? 

John Eaton