[net.startrek] 3-D Chess Trivia

timpson@comet.DEC (THE REST... THE UNIVERSE) (11/12/85)

>  1) How many episodes can you name in which we see the three dimensional
>     chess board?
>     1. "Charlie X" when Charlie melts all the pieces.
>     2. "Court-Martial" when Spock beats the computer.
>     3. "Where No Man Has Gone Before" when Kirk and Spock play.
>     4. "By Any Other Name" when Spock and Rojan play.
>     We see it in Spock's cabin in some episodes.  How about:
>     5. "Amok Time"                                (sb)
>     6. "Journey to Babel"                         (sb)
>     7. "Paradise Syndrome"                        (sb)
>     We see it in the rec room also.  How about:
>     8. "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"
>     9. "The Trouble With Tribbles"                (sb)
>     10. "Conscience Of The King"                  (sb)
>     11. "Alternative Factor"                      (sb)
>     12. "Naked Time"                              (jt)
>     Marked answers are ones that I was not aware of.
>     (sb= Susan Brown, jt= Jonathan Trudel)

The 3-D Chess board is also seen onboard the fake Enterprise in

                [1;4mThe Mark of Gideon[0m 

When Kirk is wondering around trying to find his crew.


The meak shall inherit the earth.  The rest... [5;1mThe Universe.[0m

ccrdave@ucdavis.UUCP (0058) (11/13/85)

> >  1) How many episodes can you name in which we see the three dimensional
> >     chess board?

You forgot Day of the Dove.  One was there.