[net.poems] Pork and Pepper

lcarroll (08/12/82)

Speak roughly to your little boy,
    And beat him when he sneezes:
He only does it to annoy
    Because he knows it teases.

	Wow! wow! wow!

I speak severely to my boy,
    And beat him when he sneezes:
For he can thoroughly enjoy
    The pepper when he pleases!

	Wow! wow! wow!

bj (08/13/82)

I know this message should go to the author of the article,
not to the net, but for some reason I don't expect mail to
watmath!lcarroll to get through.

The reason I like netnews (and a major reason for its existance)
is that it is a source of information not available elsewhere.
A new newsgroup is started up and the third article received
is a copy of a poem from one of the most widely read books of
all time, submitted under what appears to be a stolen pseudonym.

This does not represent a good investment of my time, the time
of the person who typed it in, or of the 250+ systems who store
and transmit this message.

Use the net for what it is good for and I will send fewer flames.

jcwinterton (08/17/82)

	Whoever let the good Doctor on the net should have had the courtesy
to quote his real name.