[net.poems] my second

bigger (10/27/82)

Scott Bigger						42 lines
203 West Fowler Ave. #2
West Lafayette, IN 47906



That summer
	the sun on the eye
	was a Polaroid flashed
	through oak leaves
	behind Betty's-and-Gary's
	And gramma
(is her name really Bell, Dad?)
	only occupied
	the old picnic table 
	oversee the homey, abundant
	of loud 'thunked' mellon,
	red and seedy.
		(and later, Gary would make
		wine from the rinds)
Small faces 
	had the time to burn,
	fat cats were finally pestered,        
(only to have gramma scold us and laugh)
	and calves scared from cool barn shadows
		tail-swatted flies for
		our pudgy smiling eyes,
	and our country cookin' swollen bellies
had time
	to add their weight to the mating
	of our knees
		with the dirt of rolling Frazee hills
		of northern Minnesota,
	before we lined up 
		with gramma 
	just like those glossy, colored pictures
	in crackling albums.

That summer gramma died,
and the sun was shining then, too.