[net.poems] EAP

mem (11/08/82)

This is the last 4 (of 15) stanzas of this poem.

[from]                  For Annie
                               - Edgar Allen Poe

                    She tenderly kissed me
                      She fondly caressed,
                    And then I fell gently
                      To sleep on her breast-
                    Deeply to sleep
                      From the heaven of her breast.

                    When the light was extinquished,
                      She covered me warm,
                    And prayed to the angels
                      To keep me from harm-
                    To the queen of the angles
                      To shield me from harm.

                    And I lie so composedly,
                      Now, in my bed,
                    (Knowing her love)
                      That you fancy me dead-
                    And I rest so contentedly,
                      Now, in my bed,
                    (With her love at my breast)
                      That you fancy me dead-
                    That you shudder to look at me,
                      Thinking me dead:-

                    But my heart it is brighter
                      Than all of the many
                    Stars of the sky,
                      For it sparkles with Annie-
                    It glows with the light
                      Of the love of my Annie-
                    With the thought of the light
                      Of the eyes of my Annie.