[net.poems] unicorn

pjane (11/08/82)

	Here's another.

                             IF I FOUND A WISTFUL UNICORN
                                      Ann Ashford

                           If I found a wistful unicorn and
                              brought him to you, all forlorn
                              ... would you pet him?
                           If I took an empty midnight train
                              across the country in the rain
                              ... would you meet me?
                           If I picked a little flower up and
                              put it in a paper cup
                              ... would you smell it?
                           If I found a secret place to go,
                              with you the one to know
                              ... would you be there?
                           If my cricket coughed and got the flu
                              and needed warmth and comfort too
                              ... would you hold him?
                           If my rainbow were to turn all grey
                              and wouldn't shine at all today
                              ... would you paint it?
                           If my birch tree were afraid at night
                              and couldn't sleep without a light
                              ... would you bring one?
                           If my soul were feeling all alone,
                              and wasn't near a telephone
                              ... would you write to it?
                           If I ran backwards up a tree and
                              called for you to follow me
                              ... would you do it?
                           If my nightingale were a monotone
                              and much too shy to sing alone
                              ... would you hum with him?
                           If all that I would want to do
                              would be to sit and talk to you
                              ... would you listen?

                           If any of these things you'll do,
                              I'll never have to say to you
                              ... do you love me?

