[net.poems] net.poems

dssg (08/11/82)

Well, at long last net.poems is here!  Thanks for your support, all those
who mailed me!

To summarize, I received 12 positive and 1 negative responses.  There were
two additional suggestions, one about subgroups for discussion (both of
new submissions and already published works), and one about a net.prose.
I can see no reason against the former, but perhaps we should wait a while.

As far as net.prose goes, I am not too sure; the negative response I
received was mainly concerned over wasting resource with voluminous junk
and while I can not see the submission quantity being that high it would
probably not be too wise to encourage rambling.  Besides I like poetry
better, your're on your own for net.prose.

In deference to the person who was against this newsgroup, I would also like
to suggest that submissions be not too long; although I can't see anyone
spending the time to type in a huge poem, it can't hurt to say it.  My main
reason for suggesting this newsgroup was for it to be entertaining, not for
serious critical work.

As a final personal note, I feel there is nothing that gives more beauty to
a poem (or any literary endeavour, for that matter) than an overall structure.
Perhaps it is my mathematical background, but seeing the elusive worms of
English expression packed into an often rigorous rhyme/scan/alliteration(/...)
scheme is what I think poetry is all about.  The effort spent will never be
wasted; at worst it is good exercise and at best it transforms the interesting
to the sublime.

			Happy composing!
			Mark Ingram (CCNG Distributed Systems)

garry (11/11/82)

	I too liked "two sets of footsteps in the sand".  (along with all the
others).  Please include me in Jim's request for a copy of that poem.
I haven't submitted a poem because I currently have not had the time to
keep up my reading, but I will submit (!!!) soon.

				The Baer