[net.poems] An old, but good, Poem

ccf (12/13/82)

    For all intents and purposes, a tender poem about a
    jackhammer salesman from Iowa:

	This brief effusion I indite,
	    And my vast wishes send,
	That thou mayst be directed right,
	And have ere long within thy sight
	    A most ENCHANTING friend!

	The MAIDEN should have a LOVELY FACE,
	    And be of GENTLE MIEN,
	If not, within thy dwelling place,
	There may be vestige of disgrace,
	    Not much admired -- when seen.

	Nor will thy dearest be complete
	    Without DOMESTIC care;
	If otherwise, howe'er discreet,
	Thine eyes will very often meet
	    What none desire to share!

	And further still--thy future DEAR,
	   should have some MENTAL ray;
	If not thou mayest drop a tear,
	Because no REAL SENSE is there
	    To charm life's dreary day!

				Rev. Cornelius Whur (1782-1853)

	Translators note: Upper case were italics in the original.

			A lover of good poetry,

			*<--- chuck --->*

			BTL Columbus