[net.poems] Son of God

mhauck (12/16/82)

And so the Son of God came to earth
He came as a helpless baby
Knowing even then that he was to die
And yet he lived a full life
We celebrate his birth each year

It is the time of peace, the peace he brought
What a wonder it would have been
To see his star bright in the sky
To feel the wonder of the angels
To hear their voices raised in praise

If I could have been there
Witness the wise men worshiping
The sheperds in silent admoration
Mary and Joseph afraid but proud
An Jesus wonding what the fuss is about

What a place for a King to be born
perfect in it simple humbleness
As it should be, not palace, but a stable
No robe of purple, swaddlying clothes
Yet a halo around his head.

God, God you are great
To give us this gift
Your Son to save us for all time
We worship you for this
And love abounds.

Merry Christmas to all, I won't be here
next week to put out any more Christmas
poems, composed at the terminal