[net.poems] The First Overtone

riks (12/17/82)

The story is told of a babe who was born
by the light of a star in a manger one morn.

And three Wisemen who came from afar to the place;
A tenor, a lead, and a pretty good bass!

They knelt down and gave precious gifts to the King,
Then one blew a pitchpipe and they started to sing.

But something was missing as they sang to the lord!
For try as they might, they could not make a chord!

Then the heavens spread open and there shown a great glow
As a Bari descended to the stable below.

He joined with the Wisemen who continued to sing
When all of a sudden it started to "ring"!

Now this was a sound they had not heard before,
And the Child seemed so pleased that they sang more and more.

So this is the story of how it began,
Both Barbershop singing and salvation for man.

Oh, some won''t believe me.  They'll say it's a lie.
But if you're a skeptic here's a test you can try:

Put four guys together, each singing his part...
in the Barbershop style, and right from the heart.

And if it's done well you'll hear angels above,
singing along and expressing their love.

Then raise up your head and look to the sky...
Those twinkling stars are the gleam in God's eye!

		-by Larry Lytle

>From the "Harm-o-news", the newsletter of the Tualatin Valley (Oregon)
Harmony Masters, a chapter of SPEBSQSA.

	Rik Smoody	tektronix!teklabs!riks