[net.poems] blood

bigger (12/17/82)


In my dream 
I work over your cool body
like some sadistic lover.
Pound the chest,
pump it sixtimes,
fill the lungs twice.
You just lie there 
where you fell like clay.

     In the barnyard 
     we worked cattle
     and when your heart faltered
     you stumbled
                 (you never had before)
     and you closed the gate
     after the last, slow, ancient cow.
     A step
           and you just fell
     like a slapstick actor.

Six times, try to move sluggish fluid 
to your brain
(four minutes they say)
two lungfulls of my useless breath,
six times.

I only clench my eyes hard;
there's no time to wipe away any salty tears.
Beat the chest with my fist
that one day I might see bruises heal
push six times
two loving kisses
six again.
Alone it seems important that
the ratio is right
                  but I just don't know
six (come on)

There will be no clean paramedics here,
with sterile plastic bags
and shiny metallic jolts;
there are only my manure caked hands
and foul mouth.

Press you chest six times,
twice your chest rises, you chest falls
and I have breathed a dozen times.
Again the hands, and you lie there.

With my ear smooth against your chest
I still only hear the black cows
    bellowing for hay.

    your calm face says don't bother
six (or five)
    and there's a hoarse and voiceless scream
two, a rhythm 
    my back

    the scream is mine
    the scream is yours
    your movement is mine
    such a gentle rocking                
    all your breath was mine once
    and I work the body 
    as if it was at your thought.
(four minutes they say)
six two six,
side by side.

The action is involuntary 
like my heart that beats twice 
where it had beat only once
six (and what do they say of hours?)

Where was I;
    and our arms don't move,
    the two of us,

Lying here as still as you,
there's a tearing in my chest,
and I gasp breath,
         too fast,
but it's ok, you're not using yours.

Not bad, 
two in one night.

God, it's dark.
I've been working the body in my sleep
and the cattle are a thousand
miles away.
But, we are truly brothers now.