[net.poems] path

bigger (12/17/82)

Scott Bigger                                             
203 West Fowler Ave. #2
West Lafayette, IN 47906


Forgotten path

I drag my feet this lost alley to find
my mind will catch in the passing cracks;
that glimmer, that whisper, will be snatched by the wind
and now muttering remembers only the half.

I would 
     dig in the cracks and check piled leaves,
rummage the cans before morning's shatter
     where thoughts are lost to rich and rank men whose
     elephant job is to heap them in archival yards; 

I'd carry them home in my hands, in my pockets
or take a full lung and not breath till I'm home
or soak up a sleave full to smear on a page
or echo them over so they hum in my bones;

but I should not shadow where ideas will stroll,
yet wander
     that I might go, too, the same road.