[net.poems] This Poem Has No Subject

ix222 (01/23/83)

we'll try the myth of the poet who gets mail.

	There's no putting in a word
	How it feels to be absurd.

	Don't complain, don't show me fingers;
	Let us savor, let us linger
	By the waters of the Nile.
	Across from us a crocodile
	Sunning in the evening sun
	Is clearly wanting to eat someone.
	He bites a snake to only find
	The loathsome form was only slime.
	He cannot grin, he cannot blush
	He but sinks lower in the mush,
	Forgetting his ire...
	Above the evening sun sinks higher,
	Setting now this vaunted room
	Into a self-respecting gloom.

	Shall we leave him to his doom?

	There is no self-respect, only pride
	Hidden where predjudice hides
	Where pride goeth before the fall
	There is no self-respect at all. 
	Or in the hypothalamus, a neat incision
	Reveals the need for much revision
	And rewriting of our lines
	We're not debugged, in fine, in fine.
				awaiting your comments, acclaim or pooh-poohing,
				steve serocki
				{ucbvax philabs};sdcsvax;sdccsu3;ix222