[net.poems] This deserves to be called poetry...

macrev (01/28/83)

If I say that the most important criterion of poetry  is that it
convey a maximum of imagery with a minimum of language, then the
following passage surely deserves to be called poetry:

     Well, go and see an amusement park.  It's a thing
     like a fair, only much more glittering.  Go to one
     at night and stand a little way off from it in a
     dark place - under dark trees.  You'll see a big
     wheel made of lights turning in the air, and a
     long slide, shooting boats down into the water.
     A band playing somewhere, and a smell of peanuts -
     and everything will twinkle.  But it won't remind
     you of anything, you see.  It will just hang out
     there in the night like a colored balloon - like
     a big yellow lantern on a pole.

                              From "Absolution," by
                              F. Scott Fitzgerald

Each of us reads poetry for different reasons -- I see it as
a paintbrush, and words the brush strokes.  The clearer the
image, the more powerful the strokes, the more successful the
poem.  Fitzgerald was certrainly successful here.  Comments?

Mike Lynch