[net.poems] The Net

smh (03/09/83)

sri-unix!smh    Nov 28 06:14:00 1982

			The Net

	Here am I viewing this sight,
		a phosphor screen, a pale green light.
	The view I share, although alone,
		I share with others, though without a tone.

	Out beyond these four white walls,
		out beyond where the dialer calls.
	There sits one, who like myself,
		sits wondering about life itself.

	Though we are seperate by physical distance
		our screen stares with calm persistance.
	Telling us what we already know;
		what great lengths we like to go.

	Just what great step must we take?
		What indeed must be at stake,
	for us to fully realize at last,
		we are all from one mold cast.

	For as I read those words of yours,
		I ponder them and make them ours.
	This common bind, our netted web,
		where our thoughts may freely ebb.

				Scott M. Hinnrichs  sri-unix!smh

	Aren't vacations great!