[net.poems] Ode to the Computer

mhauck (03/15/83)

Ode to a Computer

What way do you lead?
Will man be better or not?
Do the children learn?
Remember Sci-Fi, 
Robbie, Colossal and Questor.
What a picture of tomorrow.

Have you seen the blinking lights?
Heard the switches clicking?
These too are passing in to memory.
Lights flash noislessly,
More complex more to understand
Science moves forward, dragging man

And we go, willingly, to what end?
Some say distruction, others immoratility
Who can tell, but God, and he is not scientific
Poor man, has lost so much to gain so much
The computer, is to save the world, isn't it?
I don't condem it, I work on one.

Will the time come when computers rule?
I pray not, so organized, and rigid
I am a free sprit and I must be free
Mankind is not that helpless to allow
We will use the computer to make a better world
Forward, ever forward we move.
