[net.poems] Another Refuge

za16ao@sdccsu3.UUCP (05/25/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 5/3/83; site harpo.UUCP
Date:Wed, 25-May-83 15:34:06 EDT

Here's another try at at-the-terminal composition.
I thought of a title, now let's think of a poem...

Another Refuge

my common pattern on each weary day
traces my path through aching mistakes
and tawny, windswept brows.
I yearn for misgivings
less poignant than my own,
for shores less battered by easily recognized,
unavoidable, passion-swept waves.
I live this lust.
Dark shadows already hover above the wind,
waiting for the moment of surrender, and I will fall,
fall, past the cliffs, the rocky places,
the slime-encrusted lowly peaks.
All this for a tanned feather-touch, and a smile.
In such storms, I seek another refuge.

Valerie Polichar, May 25, 1983

Could be worse, I guess...