[net.poems] two nonsense poems/puns

oz@rlgvax.UUCP (06/16/83)

The NEW YORK magazine once ran a competitions where the people were asked
to write a poem witht the starting line being "No pig Should Go Sky Diving
During Monsoon"  I particularly enjoyed two entries that I shall share
with you.

No pig should go sky diving during monsoon
For this isn't really the norm.
But should a fat swine try to soar like a loon,
So what?  Any pork in a storm.
	(Herb Sargent, of Saturday Night Live fame)

No pig should go sky diving during monsoon,
It's risky enough when the weather is fine.
But to have a pig soar when the monsoon doth roar
Cast even more perils before swine.
	(Charlotte Curtis, never heard of her)

				The above obviously written with pig pens,

done@teklabs.UUCP (06/16/83)

Did those "pig" pens have the proper sty-lus?  And what color was the oink?

Don Ellis