[net.poems] a footnote to the previous sequences...

taylor@sdcsvax.UUCP (06/17/83)


	As a final note to those of you who have dared to read all the
sequences I have submitted, there are a few things that I should amplify;

	First off, The dog that I refer to is my ex-roommates dog, and he
is a very affection-hungry dog...so that he loves any and all attention.
In a fit of strangeness, we devised a strange theme for a party; a 'paint
the dog' party (using non-toxic markers, we had planned).  Problem was,
no-one showed up.  The poor dog would have moped around for days if he had

	Also, the comment on food is to a young woman who is very special
to me...she had a strange reaction to the fact that she accidentally burned
the dinner that she was lovingly cooking (I assume!!)...and that was my way
of asking her why it had happened.

	Finally, the stuff about optimizing 3-address code will be familiar
to those who have had a class on compiler writing...I had just finished my
final exam in the class when the inspiration hit for sequence IV...so....

	Enjoying the net, and all that jazz,

			-- Dave Taylor
