[net.poems] The Coming of the Bad

rael@inuxe.UUCP (06/17/83)

... as we sat there staring at the shoreline, the sea became enraged. Ebb
and flow became as one. The furious waves, rather than break up, seemed to
explode, reaching heights the like of which I'd never seen.

   It was then that something came over my friends. Against my opposition,
John and Paul decided to run into the murderous water. They never made it
to the sea. As they were running something strange happened. The sea,
suddenly, became calm like a lake, not a wave to be seen for miles around.
Darkness took over the skies, and a chilling terror penetrated my body. Then
I saw it; a sight I shall never forget; the end of man's dreams.

   Out of the dead waters, shadowy figures came walking out, almost like 
a marching band. The Bad. The first few lines consisted of zombie-like 
creatures, but as more and more came out, the characters became more 
colorful (if frightening dark can be called a colour). Scared and 
mesmerized, I continued watching the sinister procession, until I saw the
Necromancer. The fear I felt before was null compared to that which I felt
when I saw his figure arising from the sea. Darkness "shone" around him,
the skies became darker, and in the middle of all this darkness his two 
blood red eyes stood, seeing everything. When his sight met mine, the 
command took over my thoughts: "Come to the sea, join us".

   I don't know how I regaied control of my body. Horrified by all I saw
I started to run away as fast as I could, tears blinding my vision. I 
finally reached my empty house, where I locked my self in my room. It is
here that I wrote these words, unable to sleep eversince, affraid of my
own dreams. And I can sense that death is coming, for I do not praise
the Bad ...