[net.poems] more Nash

mj@pur-ee.UUCP (06/28/83)

ecn-ec!mj    Jun 27 09:46:00 1983

	Still more from the Nash/Kostelanetz/Ustinov album:

	Waltz of the Flowers

	Strike up the waltz! The flowers all
	Assemble for the victory ball!
	Below the wide triumphal arch,
	Behold, a garden on the march!

	The air with iridescence loaded
	As if a rainbow had exploded.
	They swing and circle, swoop and dip,
	But with such delicate mastership
	That not a gossamer thread is torn
	By catching on a partner's thorn.

	A wildflower interrupts the waltz
	By turning double somersaults,
	And now all the flowers advance,
	All swirling in the victory dance
	Until the blazing ballroom seems
	A gaudy carnival of dreams.
	Of dreams designed for child's delight,
	To dream this night, and every night.


      Mark A. Johnson       Purdue University       decvax!pur-ee!mj    
			     (317) 743-2548