[net.poems] AIDS, Bad Poetry, & The Net

ix222@sdccsu3.UUCP (07/18/83)

This group has lately been just plain nose-holding, buttthumping,
kneeslapp'n dreadawful boring, despite the best efforts of mme
mhauck & m'sieur taylor.  this being unhealthy (*1) for human netters
and rats (*2), i have decided to take matters into my own hands and
release a dribblet of my own OS drivel (*3) that is guaranteed by
the guy i stole it from (*4) to be machine readable.  It is my
fervent hope that this will provoke other likewise cerebral rhyming
attempts that, anthologized by our local friendly site poetry 
editor (*5) and brought to light, may once again make reading this 
newsgroup a pleasure instead the exercise in excrescence hopping 
that it has been.

(*1):   recent medical surveys (**1) suggest that
prolonged exposure to boring articles and poetry are a leading
factor in the development of AIDS (**2) in the netnews addict.
(*3):   utcsstat!laura, SERIOUS crocks and bugs in news 2.10
which I dont have fixes for yet, net.news, <760@utcsstat.UUCP>
(*3):   IBM kicks OS.  Gays who engage in Systems Programming are OSaholics
(*4):   Hi Tudhij!
(*5):   Lady Arwen, sdccsu3!za16ao.  arwen is just about ready to
post a formal call for hacker poetry (**3) to this group.
(**1):  Newficker & Aggri, American Journal of Obscure And Probably 
Untrue  Medicine, v46, pp 69-116, 1983
(**2):  Aquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome  (***1)
(**3):  Good poetry only. (***2) Poetry quality will be ascertained by the
judges and all decisions are final.  employees of Ridiculous Enterprises
and their families are all eligible and will receive preferred treatment.
(***1): Wow! three levels of footnotes!
(***2): Funny verse is fine.

		# bug report

		What pains others pleasures me,
		At home am I in Lisp or C;
		There i couch in ecstasy,
		'Til debugger's poke i flee,
		Into kernel memory.
		In system space, system space, there shall i fare--
		Inside of a VAX on a silicon square.

	Steve Serocki
	{ philabs ihnp4 ucbvax};sdcsvax;sdccsu3;ix222