[net.poems] Subjects for poetry...

reid@uwvax.UUCP (07/18/83)

	For those of you who think that I should be able to think up my own
subjects for poems, and who disapproved of my article asking for "suggestions,"
I would like to clarify my position a little bit....  I am not unable to think
up my own subjects, and if I were, I wouldn't ask you folks for help, that
would be silly.  I sort of got the idea from a guy I once met who was a "street
poet."  He could whip out verse right on the spot for just about any occasion,
and he was extremely good at it.  I think that that would be great practice in
getting a hold of the English language and making it work for me, instead of
me for it, and that is what prompted this idea of mine.  I still think it is
a good idea....  There will be times when the subject matter is not something
with which I am acquainted, intimately or otherwise, and the peoms might there-
fore suffer.  However, a good enough poet can look at anything just a little
differently than everybody else, and in "finding" another side to it, he writes
a good poem.  Or so it seems to me....

Glenn Reid
..seismo!uwvax!reid  (reid@uwisc.ARPA)