[net.poems] Room?

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (07/19/83)

Room? 7/19/83

Is there room out there?
For a lost child of God
To live in peace, loved by others
The path is hard to walk
The child stumbles, and falls

Arms catch the lost child
Wrapped in a cloak, warm
Carried to the place of life
To be welcomed back to a new home
Lost child sleep well tonight.

Mary Hauck

ucbesvax.turner@ucbcad.UUCP (07/28/83)

ucbesvax!turner    Jul 22 02:42:00 1983


	    dazed and stumbling, that little black kid
	    with the lump on his haid seems not to see me

	    lead him back to the office, wipe away
	    tear-streaks, get an ice-cube on his lump
	    no last name

	    then walk to a house on the next block over
	    he's acting funny, we stop a lot and go
	    past cold buzzing streetlights and then

	    up creaky steps, no light behind the windows
	    the neighbors, all drawing the curtains
	    no light in the sky, now

	    and nobody home